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YouTube will remove Partner channels for posting ‘duplicative content’

YouTube has updated its policy for Partner Program, making it difficult to post duplicate content without consequences. If you are a YouTube Partner and posting someone else’s work or duplicate content, your channel will be removed.

In its blog, YouTube explains that it is boosting its efforts at protecting the creator community from abuse. All the YouTube Partner Program participants will be scrutinized rigorously on a regular basis to ensure they meet the guidelines.

YouTube says that ‘duplicative content’ not only refers to copyright. If you are posting content from multiple sources or repurpose existing content, you may still be eligible for the program as long as you are contributing to the value of the content in some way, such as editing, original commenting, narrative, and so on.

Content found automatically generated, pulled from third-party sources, uploaded multiple times, or infringing the copyright tools will be removed under ‘duplicative content’. Channels will have to reapply for the program in 30 days following review.

