A preacher gave a live sermon on Facebook after fire department and community members doused flames coming out of his house in South Carolina, US. Sammy Smith, who is the founder of Grace Cathedral Ministries in Piedmont, went on Facebook Live to show the visuals of his burning house.
A fire had caught the second floor of his house after which Simpsonville Fire Department and locals gathered to contain the flames, reported local TV news WYFF.
“My house is on fire. My house is on fire,” Sammy said multiple times in the Facebook Live which showed huge flames erupting from his home as firefighters were on their job. “It’s burning up, y’all. Y’all are watching it live, just like I am,” he is heard saying in the video.
Sammy panned the camera to show his neighbours helping the fire department in containing the fire. After the fire was doused, the faith leader went live again on Facebook to thank god as no one was hurt, but the fire severely damaged his house.
“And, you know, God’s will always has to be done. Sometimes we don’t understand his will,” Sammy said during his impromptu sermon.
He later informed WYFF that tragedy can strike anyone, irrespective of their position or work. Sammy, however, counted his blessings that no was hurt in the fire. He revealed that his daughter and godson’s bedrooms were upstairs, and they lost everything in the fire, but their lives were saved.
Smith said the fire was a result of an accident. He believes heating unit or electronic item must have gone haywire.
People later gathered at the Grace Cathedral and said a prayer for the life of Apostle Smith. Church member Thomas Bell told WYFF, “We could be mourning now, but instead of mourning, we can rejoice because we know God saved, he preserved.”