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US-based environment body raises concern over water crisis in Punjab

Washington, A US-based environmental organisation has raised concern over severe groundwater depletion in some parts of north India, including agrarian state of Punjab.

“This week, 60 Minutes, a renowned news program from CBS News, showed the recent findings through satellite and newly developed devices which track the amount of groundwater.

“Punjab and rest of the india has lost groundwater at an alarming rate and it is facing an impending disaster,” EcoSikh said in a statement.

“The evidence is credible that the food basket of india is in serious danger and this issue should be treated with urgency and with immediate action. This would require a massive awareness campaign and also managing water sources and regulating water usage,” EcoSikh’s president Rajwant Singh said.

EcoSikh’s Punjab Team is actively working to teach locals about how and why they should conserve water and live in harmony with the Earth, the statement said.

“Our Green Nagar Kirtan is one way EcoSikh is trying to educate the public on how to conserve water resources. EcoSikh recently held a series of Green Nagar Kirtans, the fourth being in Ludhiana, where many stalls used eco-friendly paper plates, and steel glasses to distribute langar.

“These smalls steps are meaningful toward the overall goal of waste reduction, resource conservation, and living a green life,” said its Punjab Convener Ranjodh Singh.


