Trading Technologies’ recent participation in the large joint venture between National Stock Exchange and Singapore Exchange is for providing its “Connect” system for the trading of Nifty contracts. The NSE IFSC-SGX Connect is expected to be fully operational from the second quarter onwards of the next year with dollar-denominated Nifty contracts to be exclusively traded on NSE IFSC. Trading Technologies provides connectivity to more than 50 global derivatives markets, including NSE, Todd pointed out. In early August, Trading Technologies had successfully launched day-one connectivity to the new joint initiative between SGX Group and NSE for international Nifty equity derivatives trading. “I am optimistic about India, it has a good talent pool, traders and developers. Looking forward to developing an in-country team,” said Todd, who has spent roughly half of his 40-year career on SaaS, spanning global technology businesses from publicly-listed and large multinational companies to startups.