Patiala, The Punjab Police today procured five-day remand of Jagtar Singh Tara, convicted for life in the assassination case of former Chief Minister Beant Singh. He was deported by Thailand on Friday and brought to Patiala early today morning.The police are eager to question Tara on his alleged links with some Pakistan-based terrorists who, they believe, helped him attain arms training.Tara was produced in a local court today in the murder case of Punjab Rashtriya Sikh Sangat president Rulda Singh, who was shot on July 28, 2009, by two assailants who fled in a car. The police believe Tara was actively involved in the murder, though the FIR does not mention him.The police initially tried to secure 14-day remand to question Tara on his Pakistan links and foreign fund diversions. The move was opposed by his counsel who pleaded that as Tara had been brought to Patiala in the Rulda murder case, he could not be interrogated in other cases.Sources said senior police officers, including Additional DGP (Intelligence) HS Dhillon, were in Patiala to question Tara. “He was arrested in Thailand’s eastern province of Chon Buri on January 5 following a raid on a house owned by a Pakistani national. Thus, it is crucial to identify the persons or contacts that helped him all these years,” the sources said.The sources said Tara would face a long questionnaire pertaining to his January 2004 Burail (Chandigarh) jailbreak and the inside help he may have got from the prison staff. He has been lodged at the Crime Investigating Agency (CIA) police station.