CHANDIGARH, August 20: Thanking the Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal for his “magnanimity” in extending “warm welcome” to him, Congress Deputy Leader in the Lok Sabha and former Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh today clarified that he and his party leaders were not going to meet or greet him (Mr Badal) but only staging a dharna to protest against his callous indifference towards the sugarcane farmers and those whose crops got damaged due to the unseasonal rains and floods.
Expressing his “heartfelt gratitude” to the Chief Minister for keeping his “doors open for everyone”, Capt Amarinder advised him to “extend this magnanimity to the farmers who are suffering due to his callous apathy and indifference”. He observed, instead of indulging in sweet and “magnanimous” talk, Mr Badal should better take some concrete action to ameliorate the suffering of the farmers.