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Solar Eclipse 2021: Surya Grahan date, time and visible city in India

At the end of this year, the solar eclipse will begin on December 04, 2021, with an exact 15 days away from the lunar eclipse. This year’s second solar eclipse is followed by the lunar eclipse.

A solar eclipse always occurs after a duration of two weeks before or after a lunar eclipse.

Usually, there are two eclipses at a stretch, but there can be three in the same season. According to Hindu astrology, Surya Grahan is an astronomical phenomenon with significant scientific importance. Eclipses are counted as an auspicious occasion where no act of worshipping deities takes place. The total solar eclipse will be completely visible if you travel to the coast of Antarctica.

About Solar Eclipse 2021:

The total solar eclipse that will occur on December 04, 2021, is a scientific phenomenon that will create a shadow over the planet and will expose the sun’s corona, i.e., the outermost part of the sun’s atmosphere. It takes place when the moon comes in between the sun and the earth.

The total solar eclipse occurs when the new moon arrives between the sun and the earth and emits the darkest part of the shadow, the umbra on earth.

An annular eclipse is also known as a partial eclipse, which has a ring of fire that appears in the sky. This takes place when the moon covers the sun but not entirely.

Are there any eclipses in 2021?

There are a number of eclipses that occurred in the year 2021:

  • Lunar Eclipse: May 26, 2021
  • Second Lunar Eclipse: November 19, 2021
  • Solar Eclipse: June 10, 2021
  • Second Solar Eclipse: December 04, 2021

How many solar eclipses are there in 2021?

There are 2 solar eclipses in the year 2021:

  • Solar Eclipse: June 10, 2021
  • Next, Solar Eclipse: December 04, 2021

Where is the next solar eclipse in 2021?

The next solar eclipse will take place on December 04, 2021, on Amavasya i.e. Krishna Paksha Tithi of Margasish month. It will be visible in countries like South Africa, Antarctica, Australia, South America, and the southern part of the Atlantic. It will not have any impact on India.

What time will a solar eclipse occur in India and its visibility?

The solar eclipse will not be visible in India and viewers can watch the celestial event online. Observers can note down the Indian timing to watch online as it will start at 10.59 am and end at 3.07 pm on Saturday, December 04, 2021.

What are the various phases of Solar Eclipse?

  1. Partial eclipse: This is the situation in which the moon takes a bite of the sun where the moon is seen over the sun’s disk.
  2. Total eclipse: On these criteria, the moon covers the entire disk of the sun and the stargazers might see the diamond ring effect and Baily’s beads in the moon’s umbral path.
  3. Totality and maximum eclipse: This phenomenon has the sun’s corona visible, which is a stage of the total solar eclipse. During this time, the sky becomes dark, the temperature drops and the animals stay silent. The midpoint of time is known as the maximum point of the eclipse where the moon covers the disk of the sun.
  4. End of Total eclipse: The moon moves away and the sun starts appearing again. Observers are lucky enough to see Baily’s beads and diamond ring effect.
  5. Partial eclipse: The eclipse will end after the moon leaves the sun’s disk.

