Chandigarh, The Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) today said the July 11 thanksgiving rally being organized at Malout would be a historic one with farmers from Punjab and even those from parts of neighbouring States expressing their overwhelming sense of gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the record increase in minimum support price of Kharif crops.
In a statement here, former minister and party spokesman Dr Daljit Singh Cheema said there was a tremendous enthusiasm amongst farmers to attend the July 11 rally and personally thank the Prime Minister for his bold decision to ensure 50 per cent profit on input costs while framing msp for Kharif crops including Paddy and cotton which had witnessed an unprecedented Rs 200 per quintal and Rs 1100 per quintal increase respectively. He said the party had received offers from various village panchayats and ‘nagars’ to take on responsibility of langar sewa for participants. Similarly various village committees have resolved to establish ‘chabeels’ at various points to facilitate those coming to the rally”.
Dr Cheema said as far as the SAD was concerned, it had requested party workers to come in an orderly fashion in ‘jathas’ from all districts in the State in the thanksgiving rally. He said appropriate arrangements were being made at the rally site to accommodate the massive congregation as farmers from neighbouring States of Haryana and Rajasthan would also participate in the rally. “This is likely to be the biggest rally Punjab has seen for a long time”, he added.