Chandigarh, The Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) today asked the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) why no action was being taken against leader of opposition Sukhpal Khaira even after he was accused of appropriating money packets from party supporters by his own party colleagues, saying it seemed Khaira had some hold over AAP Convener Arvind Kejriwal which was saving him from being sacked.
In a statement here, senior leader and SAD mp Prof Prem Singh Chandumajra said it was shocking that AAP Convener Kejriwal, who reportedly claimed to have zero tolerance for corruption, was refusing to take action against Khaira even after he was accused of collecting money packets from AAP workers in Patiala by none other than the party’s State Convener Dr Balbir Singh.
Prof Chandumajra said earlier Kejriwal had not taken action against Khaira even when the latter had supported Referendum 2020 which called for separating Punjab from India. He said before that Kejriwal had not moved against Khiara when the latter was summoned as an accused in a trans-border drug and arms smuggling case by a Fazilka court. “All this gives an impression that the leader of opposition has some hold over the AAP Convener due to which the latter is unable to take action against Khaira. There can be no other explanation. Former AAP State Convener Suchha Singh Chhotepur was sacked on the basis of a disputed cash packet sting operation. In Khaira’s case the charges are even more serious because they have been leveled by the courts as well as party colleagues. Still he is immune from all action by the party”.
Stating these double standards had exposed the tall claims of AAP of being a party with a difference, the Akali mp said AAP had thrown all morality and ethics to the wind by refusing to take action even in cases involving drugs, national security and corruption in Khaira’s case and woman safety in the case of legislator Amarjit Sandoa.
Prof Chandumajra said despite such serious charges Sukhpal Khaira was sticking on to his chair by threatening the AAP high command into submission. “Kejriwal must come clean over the hold Khaira has on him”, the Akali leader added.