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CHANDIGARH, “Punjab has always been on the forefront in every sphere of life and on all parameters of human development and we will surely achieve distinction in the swachhta survekshan being conducted by GOI throughout the country, on the basis of quantitative and qualitative sanitation parameters” it was said by Mrs. Razia Sultana, Minister for Water Supply and Sanitation while formally launching the ‘ Swachh Survekshan Grameen-2018’ and My Village My Pride Campaign in the state of Punjab.

The “My Village My Pride” Campaign under the aegis of Mission Swachh and Tandrust Punjab, from 1st August to 31st August, was today launched by the Water Supply and Sanitation Minister for motivating all stakeholders in the rural areas to participate in the cleanliness drive of the their Villages. Special prizes amounting to Rs. 1.88 crore were announced for cleanest Village, School, Anganwari & Health Center in each district. Prizes were also announced for the best swachhta champions in all districts. Selection of Prize winners will be done by an independent committee headed by the Deputy Commissioners of the Districts and prizes will be conferred on 2nd October 2018.

The Minister as a part of the campaign launched a Swachh Mobile application which citizens can download and give feedback on Open Defecation, demand a toilet if eligible and register activities related to cleanliness drives in their village with photographs.

She stated that it is only the State of Punjab which is encouraging citizens to give direct feedback on sanitation, so that the State goal of making Punjab a Swachh & Tandrust State can be achieved with people’s participation.

Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation (MDWS) GOI has commissioned ‘Swachh Survekshan Grameen 2018’ through an independent survey agency to develop ranking of all Districts and States across India on the basis of quantitative and qualitative Sanitation parameters. This ranking will be based on a comprehensive set of parameters including district level surveys of public places like Schools, Anganwaris, PHCs, Haat Bazars, Panchayat , Citizens suggestions on swachhta and infrastructure development for sanitation. Top performing States and Districts will be awarded on 2nd October 2018 by GOI.

Mrs. Razia Sultana said that we have already done commendable work for the behaviourable change of rural population as far as sanitation is considered. She said that all the Panchaytas in the state of Punjab have self declared their villages ‘Open Defecation Free’.

Mrs. Razia Sultana appealed to the citizen of the state to actively take part in this pious mission of swachhta and keep their villages neat and clean.

