Chandigarh, Punjab has ranked on top with highest compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 46 per cent in employment generation by the Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) between 2008-09 and 2012-13.
The revelation was made by a recent study conducted by apex industry body Assocham.
“Only three other states, Maharashtra (11.5 per cent), Bihar (3.7 per cent) and Odisha (1.8 per cent), have recorded growth in employment generation by the CPSEs while rest of the major 20 states have seen a decline in this sector. Even nationally, the employment in CPSEs has plummeted by about 8 per cent during this period,” according to the study, titled ‘Employment Scenario in CPSEs’.
About 22,200 people were employed by CPSEs in Punjab as of 2008-09, which had increased to over 32,500 in 2012-13. At the national level, about 15,33,500 people were employed by CPSEs, which came down to 14,04,000 as of 2012-13, the study noted.
Punjab had also registered an increase of about 1 per cent in its share in total employment generated by CPSEs, highlighted the study, prepared by the Assocham Economic Research Bureau (AERB).
With a share of just about 0.7 per cent, Punjab had attracted investments worth about Rs 3,906 crore, of the total Rs 5.5 lakh crore invested by the CPSEs during 2008-09 and 2012-13.
Punjab remained slightly ahead of its immediate neighbouring state of Haryana, which with a share of 0.6 per cent had attracted CPSEs’ investments worth Rs 3,186 crore during the same period.