CHANDIGARH: Former Chief Minister and senior Congress leader, Rajinder Kaur Bhattal said here on Thursday that due to autocratic attitude of Badal government brief monsoon assembly session was a futile exercise as ruling combine did not allow opposition to raise major issues concerning welfare of common man.
She said that monsoon session of assembly having only very few sittings were a mere formality. She said that session was brief as SAD-BJP combine government wanted to avoid the debate on important issues of common interest.
Bhattal questioned the rationale of holding such a brief session in which session in which opposition is not given enough proper opportunity to raise vital issues concerning people of the state. She said that there are number of issues like worsening law and order situation, state health department’s failure to tackle dengue, drug menace, Badal government’s preparedness for upcoming procuring of paddy from farmers, non-payment of dues to labourer engaged in ferrying paddy crop and so on.
She said that Parkash Singh Badal headed government has deliberate intention to ensure that assembly proceedings are held in autocratic manner not giving opportunity to opposition party (Congress) to bring
up issues needing attention of the state Vidhan Sabha.
She said that what is the utility of holding assembly session if it is not serving any purpose in terms of discussion on pertinent issues added that it is a financial burden on the state exchequer.
Former Chief Minister said that people of state are fed-up with non-performance and misrule of Badal government. She said that Badal government cannot befool the people of stat all the time and take things for granted. She said that there is a feeling of pessimism among all sections of society due to malfunction of Badal government. She said that days of Badal government are numbered and people of state want change and waiting to vote out SAD-BJP combine government in the next assembly elections to be held in early 2017