Chandigarh, The Punjab government has set aside Rs.120 crores for a novel project for harvesting rainwater through an Underground Pipeline System (UGPS), that has been used as a highly successful & time-tested alternative for efficient use water resources by developed countries.
Agriculture Minister, Mr. Tota Singh said that the problems of ground water depletion in central Punjab, scarce water resources in the northern sub-mountainous belt and brackish groundwater in the south-western part of the state can be very well addressed through use of UGPS systems. These systems not only save water but also help in improving yield and quality of farm produce. He said this was a 3 year development project to be implemented by the Department of Soil & Water Conservation, Punjab aimed at judicious use of available irrigation water from surface & subsurface water resources.
Mr. Tota Singh further announced that a comprehensive irrigation program has been chalked out under which a two-tier subsidy would be provided. The beneficiary community shall contribute 10% of the cost in cash/ labour form and 90% of cost shall be borne from proposed RIDF-17 Project, under which State Govt. shall be granted 95% Loan by NABARD and the balance 5% shall be the State’s own share.The Project shall be well publicized through village Panchayats, Soil Conservation and Agriculture Department extension workers and also through print and electronic media. Prospective beneficiaries shall be educated & motivated to avail the scheme.
He said that the Project would benefit more than 35027 hectares area across Punjab.In addition to the socio-economic upliftment of the assisting SC/small/ marginal farmers by assured irrigation and the subsequent strengthening of farm production systems for a better yield, the major benefit would be the rehabilitation of the environment by facilitating ground water recharge and curbing salination of the soil, he added. The UGPS and rain water harvesting community projects are estimated toincrease land value by atleast 10%, save a chunk of the labour cost, prevent soil erosion and allow for an annual storage of more than 300 Ha-m of rainwater for irrigation.He said that farmers rely upon their environment for sustenance and the alarming depletion of ground water resources as well as the increase in salinity & loss of vital nutrients from the soil has adversely affected the communities and disturbed the ecological balance…..