CHANDIGARH, As part of the year-long celebrations of the 550th Parkash Purab of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Tuesday announced that his Government would undertake an extensive plantation drive by planting 550 saplings in every village of the state by September 30, 2019.
Captain Amarinder Singh appealed to the people to join the drive, underlining the need to plant more trees to make Punjab clean, green and pollution free. He asked the people to come forward for making this plantation drive a grand success as this gigantic task could not be accomplished without their active support and participation. The Chief Minister said nearly 66 lakhs saplings of seasonal trees would be planted in all the 12700 villages, which would be provided free of cost.
Captain Amarinder Singh further said that the Departments of Forests and Rural Development & Panchayats, as the nodal departments, had been entrusted the task of supplying 550 saplings to the each of the villages under this year-long drive, beginning from September 30. Both these departments had also been directed to oversee the arrangements and effective implementation of this environment friendly programme, he added.
The Chief Minister also asked the Panchayats, youth clubs and schools besides social, religious and non government organizations to contribute towards this noble initiative.