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Punjab all set to rejuvenate village ponds on priority : Maluka

sikander-singh-malukaChandigarh, Punjab is all set to roll out plan to execute rejuvenation and renovation of village ponds across the state in 12673 villages.

Giving this information here Mr. Sikander Singh Maluka, Rural Development and Panchayats Minister said that the renovation of village ponds would be done on priority basis to ensure pollution free environment, maintenance and creation of old and new green belts. He said in the absence of any treatment plants, ponds become the prominent disposal points for the waste water in the state 1.73 crore people roughly 2/3rd population live in 12673 villages, Whereas rural population is directly depended upon farming for its livelihood.

He said that Ponds are significant resource of water in village life that has been located at panchayat land. The Minister said repairing and cleaning has been neglected over a long period. Mr. Maluka said that now Government has decided to restore these ponds and increases the water holding capacity.Giving detais of the problems being faced, Mr. Maluka said that cause of procrastination of Ponds, overflows become common problem in villages that water come into streets. The major reason behind this problem is silt and other in organic materials gradually settle down into the base of ponds that reduced the capacity of ponds.

Emphasizing the importance of ponds in village economy, he said that ponds are easiest and cheapest source of recharging ground water and surplus water causes government has been planed to project renovates these ponds .Moreover groundwater is four-fifth domestic water supply in rural areas and around half that of urban and industrial areas .According to the International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI) estimates that india is using its underground water resources at least twice as fast they are being replenished. The water table almost everywhere in India is falling at between one to three meters every year.

Further he said ponds are heritably part of rural Punjab that could be used for crop’s irrigation and for multi-purposes. These ponds are divided in to four sections on the basis of waste stabilization pond technology that is recommended by Gol as well as UNICEF.

He said that Project is designed to cover the 12282 ponds. The Rural development And Panchayats Department is responsible for complete financial and physical controls for getting the project implemented as per specified schedule.

