Chandigarh, The Bhartiya Janata Party Punjab unit has taken a very strong note of one of the Congress MLA S. Ramanjit Singh Sikki and a former MLA S. Inderjit Singh Zira and several others attending the Sarbat Khalsa held at Amritsar today. In a statement issued here this evening, state party president Shri Kamal Sharma has condemned the Congress in strongest terms and said that S. Sikki addressing the gathering at Sarbat Khalsa has once again exposed the entire Congress party and its divisive policies.
“It is known to everyone that in the 80’s the Congress party played a despicable role vis-a-vis Punjab, which resulted in unrest and turmoil in the state for more than two decades. Just to grab the power, Congress has been playing dirty politics in Punjab from past more than three decades and now again, the actions of the Congress clearly reflects that it was hell bent upon vitiating the peaceful atmosphere of the state”, Shri Sharma stated.
Taking a dig at the All India Congress Committee (AICC) president and vice-president Smt. Sonia Gandhi and Shri Rahul Gandhi respectively, Shri Sharma questioned that how come any Congress legislator attend the Sarbat Khalsa without nod from the party leadership. “Without any delay, Smt. Sonia and Shri Rahul, must clarify the party’s official stand on this highly sensitive and crucial matter”, demanded BJP chief.
Arguing that “Sarbat Khalsa” was called to discuss the religious issues, the BJP president said that Capt. Amrinder Singh & S.Pratap Singh bajwa were consistently saying for the past few days that “Sarbat khalsa” is a religious affair and congress being a secular party has nothing to do with it. But now they should come out and clarify their so called secular credentials.