Chandigarh, People’s Party of Punjab chief Manpreet Singh Badal today called upon Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal to remove confusion in the wake of contradictory statements being made on the drug issue.“Badal said at Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in Gujarat that Punjab was fighting nation’s battle against drugs. But an advertisement released by his government the same day took the line that it is a big conspiracy to defame brave Punjabis who have sacrificed the most for the nation, by calling them drug addicts. In case Punjab is not affected by drug invasion, then which war the state government is fighting that the CM talked about,” he asked.He said Deputy CM Sukhbir Badal had also been taking the line that Punjabis were being portrayed as addicts as part of a conspiracy. Both father and son should explain as to whose conspiracy it was in the context of the proposed anti-drug campaign.