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Pass full-fledged Sikh marriage act in the current session of Punjab Vidhan Sabha:Gumtala


Amritsar, September19, 2015: Dr Charanjit Singh Gumtala has demanded the full-fledged Sikh marriage act in the current session of Punjab Vidhan Sabha.In a letter to chief minister S.Parkash Singh Badal, he stated that that Anand Marriage (Amendment) Act, 2012] passed by UPA government is not a full-fledged Sikh marriage act like other religions. Clause 6 of this act says as “

[6. Registration of marriages: (1) For the purposes of facilitation of proof of marriage ceremony (commonly known as Anand Karaj) customary among the Sikhs, the State Government shall, without prejudice to anything contained in the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or any other law for the time being in force, make rules providing that the parties to any such marriage [whether solemnized before or after the commencement of the Anand Marriage (Amendment) Act, 2012], may have the particulars relating to their marriage entered, in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be provided in the said rules, in a Marriage Register kept by such officer of the State Government or of a local authority authorized by the State Government, by notification in the Official Gazette, in this behalf.”

This registration section 6 still claim Sikhs should be kept under Hindu marriage act. UPA government did not implemented the recommendations of National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution, headed by Justice M.N. VENKATACHALIAH .In a report submitted in 2002 to the then prime minister Sh.Atal Bihari Vajpayee this commission has recommended under Right to Freedom of Religion:
3.23.1 A number of institutions of Sikhs and Buddhists suggested certain changes in article 25(2). Explanation II to article 25 provides that reference to Hindus in sub-clause (b) of clause (2) should be construed as including a reference to Sikhs etc.
3.23.2 The Commission, without going into the larger issue on which the contention is based, is of the opinion that the purpose of the representations would be served if Explanation II to article 25 is omitted and sub-clause (b) of clause (2) of that article is reworded as follows:- “(b) providing for social welfare and reform or the throwing open of Hindu, Sikh, Jaina or Buddhist religious institutions of a public character to all classes and sections of these religions.” Explanation 2 omitted must be deletd. Punjab Vidhan Sabha should pass full fledged Sikh marriage act and delete or amend the above clause according to the recommendations of the VENKATACHALIAH commission. Gumtala has also sent the copy of the full-fledged Sikh Marriage Act by Sikh scholars submitted in 2012. Government may seek the views of Sikh scholars on this issue and bring a full-fledged act in Punjab Vidhan Sabha.

