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Orders issued for maintain proper decorum while singing National Anthem

Chandigarh, The Protocol department of Punjab Government today issued detailed guidelines for playing or singing National Anthem on various occasions.

According to an official spokesman, these instructions have been issued to ensure singing or playing correct version of the anthem and the occasion on which these are to be played or sung and about the need for paying respect to the anthem by observers of proper decorum of such occasions. The Spokesman said that full version of National Anthem, ‘Jan Gana Mana’ composed by late poet Rabindranath Tagore has to be played on the occasions of civil and military investurers, on the occasion of national salute (Rashtriya Salute-Salami Shashtar) to President/Governor/Lt. Governors within their respective states/Union Territories. The full version of the National Anthem is also to be played during parades, on arrival of President at formal state functions, other functions organised by Government or mass functions or on departure from such functions. It is also to be played immediately before and after President addresses the nation over All india Radio. The full version is also to be played on arrival of Governors/Lt. Governors at formal state functions and departures from such functions. It would be also played when National Flag is brought in parade or regimental colours are presented or for hoisting of colours in the Navy.

Giving the details about short version of Anthem, the Spokesman said that short version would be played when drinking toasts in the messes or on other occasion for which special orders have been issued by Government of india. Normally, the anthem shall not be played for Prime Minister though there may be special occasions when it may be played.

Detailed instructions have also been issued for mass singing of national anthem on the occasion of unfurling of national flag and other occasions. The spokesman said that in all schools the day’s work may begin with community singing of national anthem. Instructions have also been issued for playing of foreign anthem.

The spokesman said that whenever National Anthem is sung or played, the audience shall stand to attention. However, when in the course of news reel or documentary, the anthem is played as a part of film, it is not expected of audience to stand as standing is bound to interrupt exhibition of film and would create disorder and confusion rather than add to dignity of the anthem. As in the case of flying of national flag, it has been left to the good sense of the people not to indulge in discriminate singing or playing of national anthem. Orders have been issued to strictly comply to the orders of Apex Court in this regard.

