Chandigarh, Former Chief Minister and senior Congress leader hit outat Parkash Singh Badal headed government for its non-payment ofincentive money of Rs. 1000 each to new mothers under ambitious “Mata
KaushalayaKalyan Scheme” in the state having opted for delivery ingovernment hospitals. She said it is really shameful on the part ofBadal government to default on a meagre payment of Rs. 1000 each tonew mothers having chosen government hospital for delivery since 2014.
She said that that significant number of women in the state includingSangrur district have yet to receive the payment following if Punjabgovernment is not able to make payment to new mothers
She said that there is no rationale for present regime to continue its“Mata KaushalayaKalyan Scheme” unless it makes payment to newmothers.
Coming down heavily on Badal government, she said that present regimelacks vision and foresightedness to improve the fiscal health of thestate. He said that coffers have gone empty due to huge wastefulexpenditure and rampant corruption in state administration.
Senior Congress leader also censured state government’s inability andinefficiency to get debt relief from state finance commissionnotwithstanding the fact state has been bracketed as a debt-stressedby the commission along with Kerala and West Bengal.
She said that Badal government merely relied upon that it would beable to get relief just by hobnobbing with Modi government at centrerather pleading its case cogently. She also asserted that Badals whohad made great noised about discrimination of Punjab by previous UPAgovernment at centre has fond going tough with Modi government.
She said that state has also been ignored completely in the UnionBudget in regard to fiscal assistance for promoting cropdiversification in Punjab. She said that farming community feelsbetrayed by Modi government in union budget. Regarding formation ofNational Agriculture Market, she said it is only beneficial tofarmers having large land holdings and nothing anything significantfor small and marginal farmers.