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New ISIS video features captive British journalist as spokesman

London, Islamic State militants, who have already killed three hostages – a Briton and two Americans – and are threatening to kill British man Alan Henning, have released a new video showing captured British journalist John Cantlie.

The latest video shows Cantlie, who was abducted in Syria in October 2012, saying that he’s a prisoner but doesn’t feature any gruesome beheading as shown in previously released videos by the terror group. Instead the video is message explained by the captured scribe that the US and UK are entering another unwinnable war.

The captive – wearing orange clothes and addressing from a desk – talks about him and other hostages being abandoned by the US and UK governments. He also calmly promises to explain the truth behind the ISIS and how the western media has manipulated the truth over a series of videos.
Cantlie also recalls how he was captured by the militant group after he arrived in Syria in November 2012. Talking about being ‘abandoned’, the captive journalist says that the European captives have been released with exception of those from Britain and the United States.

Henning is also shown at the end of the video depicting the beheading of British aid worker David Haines.

Unlike other videos, no IS militants can be seen in the video which is addressed to the western world titled – ‘Lend Me Your Ears’.

