Chandigarh, October 4
The Sub-Group of Chief Ministers on Skill Development of the NITI Aayog, headed by the Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal, has underlined the need for reorienting and strengthening the role of state skill development missions (SSDMs).
In its report submitted to Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently, the sub-group has proposed that a three-tier SSDM structure at the state, district and block levels should be set up. The report has also stressed on pooling in resources at the state-level and prioritising on skills, including traditional skills. The focus was on strengthening the industry coordination with SSDMs through the involvement of sector skill councils and industry conglomerates operating in the states. The states have been impressed upon to explore enacting a legislation on Right of Youth to Skill Development, as was done by the Chhattisgarh Government.
To address the shortage of trainers, the report recommends involving retired defence/government personnel, paramilitary personnel, teachers etc. in providing skill training. The infrastructure available with the Railways, educational institutions could be used for providing skill training in rural and remote areas. The private sector should be encouraged to make available their shop floor and manpower for skill training.
To extend the outreach of skill training to women, the report has recommended developing flexible timings in modular training programmes to facilitate women who could not afford longer training, particularly in the rural areas.
The report calls for setting up of skill universities.