Thu, 06 March , 2025 Home About Us Advertisement Contact Us
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NABARD sanctions over Rs. 9320 lakh to Punjab for social sector projects under RIDF

Chandigarh,NABARD has sanctioned Rs.9320.49 lakh to Government of Punjab under Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF). This includes Rs.7320.49 lakh for construction of eighteen 50 bedded primary rural rehabilitation centres for rehabilitating drug detoxified persons in 17 districts of Punjab. Sh. Naresh Gupta, CGM, Punjab RO told that these centres will cater to all the rural areas in the districts. These centres will have residential facilities and will be functionally integrated with district hospital/ de-addiction centres for seamless share of facilities of district hospital/ de-addiction centres. The proposal would benefit a large population in 17 districts of the State.

Further, RIDF loan of Rs.2000.00 lakh has been sanctioned for construction of 459 number of Anganwadi Centres in 22 districts of Punjab. The proposal envisages construction of 16-22 AWCs per district thereby benefitting 459 villages in 123 blocks of 22 districts across Punjab. The proposal would benefit 6776 number of pregnant/lactating women and 26057 number of children in the rural areas of Punjab.

With the present sanction of Rs.9320.49 lakh, the total sanctions from NABARD during the current financial year stands at Rs.68100lakh.

