SSKM Hospital cured a patient by washing his lungs via a procedure called “whole lung lavage” to heal him. The patient has completely been cured through this first-of-its-kind surgery.
Kolkata: The SSKM Hospital here has once again set an example by washing lungs via a procedure called whole lung lavage to heal a patient in SSKM. The patient has completely been cured of the disease after receiving the said treatment.
Robin Sheikh, a resident of Birbhum, consulted the doctors about three months ago for his breathing problems and chest pain after he failed to find a solution to his problems despite consulting several doctors. One of the many doctors he consulted referred him to Sambhunath Pandit Hospital. Amitabha Sengupta, the chief physician of the Pulmonary Medicine Department, conducted various physical tests and first identified that Robin Sheikh had a disease called ‘Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis’, where the accumulation of fat or protein in the lungs causes difficulty in breathing.
Doctor Amitabh Sengupta then referred Robin Sheikh to the Cardio Therapy Department of SSKM Hospital. Dr Suvendu Sekhar Mohapatra and other doctors decided to clear Robin Sheikh’s lungs after going through all his reports and physical examination. The surgery went across successfully.
Shedding more light on the details of the surgery, Dr Mohapatra said, “The patient’s lungs were cleaned by using normal saline water while he was completely unconscious. The lungs were cleaned with the same tube that was used during unconsciousness. The tube has two faces on one side. Oxygen was supplied to the left side of the lung through one mouth of the tube through ventilation. And through the other mouth of the tube, the right part was filled with saline water.”
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“After this, the right side of the lung was shaken. As a result, the accumulated protein came out loosely. His right lung was cleared first on August 11. At that time this procedure was very difficult as his left lung was still in an impure condition,” said the doctor. As a result, his oxygen saturation was not increasing. However, the doctors did not have any problems while clearing the left lung. The left lung was cleared on September 8. Dr Suvendu Sekhar Mohapatra said that Robin Sheikh is currently healthy.
“The person was affected by a disease called pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. In this disease, protein, fat or other healthy substances accumulate in the lungs, blocking the respiratory sacs. As a result, oxygen from outside cannot enter. The carbon dioxide produced in the body can’t leave the body,” Dr Mahapatra told ETV Bharat.
Basically, shortness of breath, chest pain and dry cough is the first and main symptoms of this disease. In this case, a plan to wash the lungs is taken, which is called in medical language, “whole lung lavage”. The person was cured through this process. The doctors said, if Robin Sheikh does not change his profession of rock cutting tha accumulates a lot of dust in his lungs, the disease may relapse in 10 years’ time.