New Delhi, Known as a tough cop, Bharatiya Janata Party’s chief ministerial nominee Kiran Bedi on Wednesday turned emotional while addressing a roadshow in Krishna Nagar constituency from where she is contesting her maiden election.
Overwhelmed by the affection of people who had got tea flasks for her during the roadshow, Bedi broke down and was seen wiping her tears.
She further promised to return the people’s love by serving them.
“I have no words for the kind of love I am getting. I will return the love to them. I will try my best to remain capable of getting their love. We will serve them with honesty,” the former IPS officer said with moist eyes.
Congress leader Meem Afzal, however, took a jibe at Bedi, saying the Bharatiya Janata Party’s chief ministerial nominee was crying out of the fear of losing in Delhi.