Chandigarh, The All party meeting convened by breakaway Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) of Sukhpal Khaira to garner support in favour of the report submitted by his brother-in-law Justice (Retd.) Ranjit Singh turned out to be a mere fiasco- it was neither well attended nor all party.
Stating this in official communiqué, Shiromani Akali dal (SAD) senior vice president and spokesman Daljit Cheema dubbed it “half party meeting” because even all the legislators and leading lights of the AAP preferred to abstain.
Khaira failed to attract even his former comrades from AAP though he was keen to ensure presence of all the political parties and farmers’ outfits too. But except Bains brothers, none showed face which suggests that Khaira has completely lost credibility in people and parties.
Presence of AAP MP Dharmvir Gandhi, Mohakam Singh of United Akali Dal orBains brothers only showed that the meeting was a conglomeration of rejected, dejected, frustrated and outdated rootless leaders.
A couple of parties were not invited while majority of invited parties snubbed Khaira by distancing from him though Khaira was keen to plan and lead an agitation to keep himself politically relevant.