Jaipur, The Jaipur traffic police has apologised to Jasprit Bumrah for making a mockery of his no-ball in the Champions Trophy final against Pakistan. Eventually, India lost the match by 180 runs. The Jaipur police had used a picture of Bumrah’s no-ball in one of their campaigns to raise public awareness about road safety. They made a billboard of the Indian pacer in the act of delivering the no-ball alongside an image of cars waiting patiently behind a line at a traffic signal. The caption of the billboard read” “Don’t cross the line. You know it can be costly.” The billboard was displayed at a bus stand here. In response, Bumrah took to social media to take a dig at the Jaipur traffic police. “Jaipur traffic police, this shows how much respect you get after giving your best for the country,” he said. “But don’t worry I won’t make fun of the mistakes which you guys make at your work because I believe humans can make mistakes,” the pacer added on his Twitter account. The Jaipur traffic police in return apologised to the 23-year-old bowler, calling Bumrah an inspiration for the youth. “Dear @jaspritbumrah93, our intent was not to hurt your sentiments or the sentiments of millions of cricket fans,” the official Twitter handle of the Jaipur traffic police read.