IRCTC Update: The Indian Railways on Friday cancelled 254 trains owing to technical and operational-related works.
As per the update shared by the railway department, 185 trains scheduled to depart on September 9 were fully cancelled while 69 trains were partially cancelled. The list of cancelled trains comprises trains running from several cities like Delhi, Howrah, Asansol, Prayagraj, Guwahati, Madurai and others. Every day, the railway department cancels few trains due to engineering and maintenance issues. List of trains cancelled on September 9 (Friday) 00113 , 01158 , 01605 , 01606 , 01607 , 01608 , 01609 , 01610 , 01620 , 01623 , 01885 , 01886 , 03051 , 03052 , 03591 , 03592 , 04141 , 04601 , 04602 , 04615 , 04616 , 04647 , 04648 , 04685 , 04686 , 04699 , 04700 , 05031 , 05032 , 05091 , 05092 , 05366 , 05453 , 05454 , 05459 , 05460 , 05809 , 05810 , 06663 , 06664 , 06977 , 07906 , 07907 , 08275 , 08276 , 08277 , 08278 , 08429 , 08430 , 09108 , 09109 , 09110 , 09113 , 09483 , 09497 , 09498 , 09499 , 09500 , 10101 , 10102 , 12347 , 12348 , 12469 , 12492 , 12706 , 13027 , 13028 , 13029 , 13030 , 13045 , 13046 , 14033 , 14034 , 14503 , 14609 , 14610 , 15777 , 15778 , 18529 , 18530 , 20948 , 20949 , 22321 , 22322 , 31411 , 31414 , 31423 , 31432 , 31711 , 31712 , 33657 , 33658 , 36811 , 36812 , 36813 , 36814 , 36816 , 36817 , 36818 , 36822 , 36823 , 36824 , 36825 , 36827 , 36828 , 36829 , 36833 , 36834 , 36836 , 36837 , 36838 , 36839 , 36840 , 36841 , 36842 , 36843 , 36844 , 36845 , 36846 , 36847 , 36848 , 36852 , 36853 , 36855 , 36856 , 36858 , 37211 , 37216 , 37305 , 37306 , 37307 , 37308 , 37319 , 37327 , 37330 , 37338 , 37343 , 37348 , 37411 , 37412 , 37415 , 37416 , 37731 , 37732 , 37741 , 37746 , 37781 , 37782 , 37783 , 37784 , 37785 , 37786 , 37811 , 37812 , 37815 , 37819 , 37822 , 37823 , 37824 , 37825 , 37827 , 37829 , 37830 , 37831 , 37834 , 37835 , 37836 , 37837 , 37838 , 37840 , 37842 , 37843 , 37844 , 37845 , 37848 , 37849 , 37853 , 52540 , 52541 , 52544 , 52590 , 52591 , 52594 , 72451 , 72452How to check if your train is cancelled
- Visit indianrail.gov.in/mntes and select the date of journey
- Next, select Exceptional Trains on the top panel of the screen
- Click on Cancelled Trains option
- Select Fully or Partially option to see full list of trains with time, routes and other details as per requirement
Steps to check live train running status:
- Visit the official website https://www.irctchelp.in/live-train-running-status/
- Enter the train number on the text box provided.
- Choose or enter the date in the DD-MM-YYYY format.
- Press Search button to get the result on tabular format
- To check via SMS – Send SMS as SMS ‘AD ‘ to 139
- For contacting Indian Railway Enquiry Number call 139
How to check your station code: Step-by-step guide
- Visit the official website – irctchelp.in
- Click on the station name against the station code
- You will find the station code and save the details for further updates