Post festivities you hear people wanting to loose weight or to be back in shape!
Also Read: Diet tips for marathon runners!
First thing we need to do before we start off any diet plan is:
1. To detox, one should not be confused with starvation, it is a cleanser includes: (In the form of fruit or fresh juices)
Also Read: Detox your body with healthy low calorie diet!
2. Atleast 2L of water / day, have warm water with lemon ( 2-3 glasses /day)
3. Eat most of your fruits before noon
4. Steamed salads & vegs for dinner
5. In between snacking – roasted chana, murmura, peanuts ( handful), herbal/ green tea, fruits as mentioned along with black grapes
6. Healthy juices like carrot, spinach, parsley, celery, beetroot, giya, cucumber, aloe vera, amla, mint & coriander juice
7. For Stomach cleanser – handful of grapes, strawberries, apple, mint, warm lemon water
8. Constipation- papaya, ginger, warm water with lemon
9. Include black pepper, flaxseeds, 5-6 almonds, pumpkin seeds, green tea, small frequent meals to keep your metabolism elevated
10. Try & cut down on salt mainly at night to make it salt-free especially before 7-8PM.( ideal time to finish dinner)
11. Most importantly, couple it with some physical activity or exercise
So Go On And Reach Your Weight Loss Goals. Don’t just read & hear about health – take action to STAY SLIM FOR LIFE!