Chandigarh, More than 30 years after they were displaced, 1984 riot victims are still struggling for a roof of their own. Their plea for allotment of flats is still pending with the Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA).But things may just take a turn for good, with the Punjab and Haryana High Court coming to their rescue. Taking up their petition, a Division Bench has set three-month deadline for GMADA to decide their pleas.The development is significant as Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal, on one hand, is seeking the constitution of a special investigation team to probe the riots.On the other hand, the High Court is flooded with petitions filed by the victims alleging inaction on part of the state authorities.The latest deadline came on a petition filed against the State of Punjab and other respondents by Joginder Singh and 12 other petitioners through counsel Mansur Ali and HS Deol. They were seeking directions to the respondents to allot flats, as per the policy for allotment of houses and booths to the Sikh riot-affected families.Describing themselves as 1984 riot victims, the petitioners claimed that they had even been issued Red Cards by the State of Punjab. They even submitted a representation dated April 3, 2014, to the Punjab government.As the case came up for hearing, counsel for the State of Punjab submitted that verification of claims made by the petitioners revealed that one of them was a resident of Union Territory, Chandigarh. He also told the court that the state government had forwarded the representation to GMADA for considering their case for allotment of flats under the policy.Counsel for GMADA stated that the representation forwarded by the state government was pending consideration and decision would be taken within three months by passing a speaking order. The same would be communicated to the petitioners accordingly.Disposing of the petition, the Bench directed GMADA to consider and decide the claim by passing a speaking order within three months. Earlier also, the High Court in March 2013 had set a two-month deadline for the State of Punjab and its functionaries to redress the grievance of 1984 riot victims for handing over the possession of LIG flats. The directions by a Division Bench were issued to GMADA on at least two petitions filed by Gurmeet Singh and other petitioners.

