Chandigarh– Shiromani Akali Dal president Sardar Sukhbir Singh Badal said here today that the dastardly and lethal attempt on the life of DSGMC President Jathedar Manjit Singh GK was spearheaded by the agents of the Jagdish Tytler, Gaganjit Singh and Jasbir Singh, who had already been convicted by courts for trying to force the eye-witness against Jagdish Tytler for his active role in killing thousands of innocent Sikhs, including elderly people. Women and children, in the November 1984 massacre.
“ Both Gaganjit and Jasbir Singh, who organsied, executed and led the attempt on Jathedar GK’s life are proven agents of Jagdish Tytler.
Their only service to the Sikh quom has been to try to either purchase or brow beat Bibi Darshan Kaur , the eye-witness against Jagdish Tytler for killing thousands of innocent Sikhs in November 1984, to change her version to help Tytler. This is the kind of moral and religious character of those who are opposing the Shiromani Akali Dal at the behest of the enemies and killers of the Sikhs.
” At the same time, they happen to be members of the ISI mouth-piece , the so-called ‘Sikhs for Justice’, sponsored and funded by the Pak agency to use Sikhs to settle their own 1971 score against India. “But it is hardly shocking that the Congress bigwigs like Jagsish Tytler are in league with the enemies of the country. The depths of opportunism to which the Congress has always stooped is no longer a secret.”
Mr Badal said that these agents of Jagdish Tytler were at the same time, acting as tools of the ISI which is out to further its own agenda by plying with the lives of the Sikh youth.
Mr Badal also said that Jathedar Manjit Singh GK had been on the hit list of Jagdish Tytler ever since the DSGMC chief had exposed Tytler’s role in killing 100 Sikhs during Novemebr 1984 massacre.
GK had provided video evidence of Tytler’s boastful confession of his oown murderous role against the Sikhs.
Mr Badal said that the Congress hoodlums are trying to push Punjab’s youth into a wave of bloodshed again through the so-called ‘Sikhs for Justice’. He said that the so-called ‘Sikhs for Justice’ is being funded by the ISI of Pakistan which wants to use the innocent Sikhs to avenge its 1971 defeat and the creation of Bangla Desh. This mouth-piece of ISI is trying to further the agenda of Pakistan to inflict another 1984 on Punjab and especially on the Sikhs.
Unfortunately, the Congress and the AAP also have the same agenda on Punjab foor their own petty vested interests . Mr Badal said that the links of the AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal ’s with the ISI-sponsored Khalistanis are also well known.These had been thoroughly exposed just ahead of the last assembly poll in Punjab.
Mr Badal said that the Shiromani Akali Dal has always led from the front in the fight for justice for Punjab and the Sikhs.”We believe in the peaceful and democratic path shown to us by our great Gurus. Our enemies on the other hand are prepared to go to desperate extremes to promote their interests. Theya re out to push back into the jaws of fratricidal bloodshed from which the SAD has saved Punjab and the Sikh community by making supreme sacrifices. The party will never flinch from the path of relentless peaceful and democratic struggle for securing the rights of the people of Punjab, especially the Sikhs.”