Sun, 09 March , 2025 Home About Us Advertisement Contact Us
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Environmental Minister Sh. O.P. Soni Visited PPCB

Patiala, The Environmental Minister Punjab Sh. O.P. Soni made his first visit to Punjab Pollution Control Board office this afternoon after assuming the charge of Environment Minister, Punjab. He directed the Board officers to work with dedication and zeal with a people friendly approach to combat environment pollution in the State.

On his arrival, Chairman of the Board Prof. S.S. Marwaha and newly appointed Member Secretary welcomed the Hon’ble Minister. Er. Krunesh Garg, Member Secretary elaborated the working of the PPCB and informed him about the various difficulties faced by the field officers.

Sh. O.P. Soni while addressing the officers of the Board said that it is the far sightedness of the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Punjab that he has selected and appointed most learned, dedicated, intelligent and honest person Prof. S.S. Marwaha as Chairman and Sh. Krunesh Garg as Member Secretary of the Board. This dedicated team will certainly bring laurels to the Board. He directed the Board officers to adopt a people friendly and environment friendly approach to deal with major environmental issues being faced by the State. He blessed the newly appointed Member Secretary and asked him to work in a way to maintain and further raise the dignity of the Chair of Member Secretary.

Prof. S.S. Marwaha, Chairman of the Board emphasized the various technological steps taken by the Board to conserve water and to combat the environmental pollution. He thanked the Hon’ble Minister for paying his visit to the Board and assured him that all the Board officers will work in tandom to meet the expectations the Hon’ble Minister.

