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New Delhi, February 24 : The Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee (DSGMC) has taken strong notice of the displaying turban through models in fashion show by the GUCCI brand company and sought immediate apology from it for hurting the sentiments of the sikh community.

In a strong worded statement issued here today the DSGMC General Secretary Mr. Manjinder Singh Sirsa said it was shocking that GUCCI’s brand managers chose to use turban in the manner in which they deemed fit for promotion of their brand. He said that turbans were tied to the heads of models who are not even distantly related with Sikhism.

He said that turban is not an ordinary piece of cloth but a part of sikh way of life as taught by Sikh Guru Sahiban but this company had least cared to take on board sikh leaders before going ahead with such a show. He said that just to get some publicity they offended the sikh sentiments.

Mr. Sirsa further said that turban is not a part of fashion accessory which has been used by the GUCCI according to its sweet will. He said that Sikhs are stylish but we will not accept any compromises in respect of Turban. He said that it would have been better if the company had taken on board sikh men for promoting turban but it has chosen to tie it on the heads of those who are even unaware of its value for the sikh community. He said that this act of the company is a controversial step and he urged various sikh leaders across the globe to oppose such an act through media, by serving legal notices and raising their voice in their elected houses.

The DSGMC General Secretary demanded that company should immediately tender an apology for its act of blasphemy otherwise the DSGMC will act against the GUCCI stores located in India. He also said that it will also be forced hold road protests and take every step needed to realize the company of its fault.

