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Don’t let your stomach suffer this summer

New Delhi: With summer comes various issues of the stomach. Not only do the high temperatures make us sweat more, it also reduces our immunity so make sure you eat eating properly this season.

“Summer brings a majority of digestion related illnesses. Considering the rise in temperature every year, it is very important to manage our food habits to avoid stomach illnesses,” says an expert.

A few tips to keep your stomach healthy this summer:

* Keep yourself hydrated, always: Drinking good amount of water helps in fighting 90% of the diseases. Fiber present in the body pulls water into the colon and helps the body in creating softer, bulkier stools. This makes the passage of the stools easier without causing fissures or piles.

* Increase fiber intake: Including elements to your diet that’s high in fiber and rich in whole grains, vegetables, legumes, and fruits can improve your digestive tract. A high-fiber diet helps in avoiding constipation, which is a leading cause of fissure.

Avoid Fatty food: Fatty foods, generally, curb the digestive process. It is advisable to avoid intake of fatty substances in your diet during summers.

Limit coffee: Limiting excessive intake of caffeine as it can give rise to trouble with the smooth functioning of your digestive system, and lead to problems like stomach ulcers, acidity, and heartburn.

Dhrity Vats, Medical Officer, Healthians — an online diagnostic center that offers home service — further explains the digestive disorders that can trouble you this summer.

Gastroenteritis: This is the most common stomach infections seen across all age groups. Vomiting, blood in motions, watery motions with froth, dehydration, severe pain in the abdomen are the first symptoms and when not treated initially can cause severe damage like dehydration and sometimes even unconsciousness due to weakness.

Jaundice: A very common infection of the liver, which shows symptoms like nausea, itching on skin, bitter tongue, pale look of the face with a yellow coloration of the eye.

The Hepatitis A virus attacks the liver, which starts producing extra bile. Contaminated water or unhygienic food is the main reason for this infection.

Typhoid: A high-grade fever with fatigue, weakness, pain in stomach, vomiting and loose motions, headache and rarely body rashes are all symptoms of the Typhoid Fever. This is a water-borne disease, seen very commonly in summers.

Food Poisoning: This is a typical infection, which happens within 6-8 hours of eating contaminated food kept in low levels of hygiene.

Vats further adds few precautions to be safe

Avoid eating food from outside during summers. Carry your own water whenever stepping out of the house.

Eat freshly prepared food. If the food has been cooked prior either boil it or fry it before consuming it.

If you face any two signs of the above-mentioned symptoms, start with lots of fluid like ORS prepared at home with boiled water, coconut water etc. Increase your intake of water and lemon. If the condition worsens, consult your doctor. Get your stomach tested.

