Chandigarh, In a statement issued here today, S. Partap Singh Bajwa, President PPCC said that the decision of the Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal to hold 4 dharnas on the sensitive international border with Pakistan, which are unprecedented and will lead to public disorder and incite violence at the already tense indo-pak border and hence is seditious in nature. While Amit Shah has announced to begin the BJP’s national anti drug campaign from Amritsar on12th January, Sukhbir has announced a parallel dharna against the brave soldiers of the BSF guarding this sensitive and active border, which is therefore in effect a dharna against the BJP ruled central Government. Both BJP and SAD are indulging in confronting each other to take credit on the drugs issue at the cost of endangering the hard won peace in this border state.
After the aggressive campaign Indian National Congress, both parties have now realized the gravity of the drug epidemic and are just trying to out compete each other to score brownie points only, he said. Sukhbir’s action seems like Devil quoting scripitures
He demanded that Honorable President, being Commander in chief of armed forces, should immediately dismiss the SAD/BJP alliance Government Presidents rule under Article 356 of the Constitution must be imposed and Sukhbir Singh Badal must be charged under Section 124 A of the IPC for making seditious statements as the entire motive of this move was to excite violence, disturb law & order with a clear intention to divert the public’s attention from the complicity of Bikram Majitha and other Cabinet Ministers in the 6,000 crore drug scam.
In a hard hitting statement Mr Bajwa said this announcement by the Deputy Chief Minister is highly demoralizing for the Para military forces (BSF) and virtually accuses them of complicity. Such statements must be strongly deprecated and any attempt to malign the image of our armed forces or Para military forces must be seen as anti national.
PPCC President said “this is a deliberate attempt by Sukhbir Singh Badal to deflect the attention from the direct involvement of senior leaders of his Government in the multi crore synthetic drug racket. Instead of questioning the integrity of our Para Military forces, Sukhbir Singh Badal should first and foremost sack his ministers and should have charged them under the provisions of the NDPS Act, 1985 for abetment, criminal conspiracy and harboring international criminals he said.
A case under Section 124-A, of the Indian Penal Code for Sedition is squarely made out as this statement has been deliberately and intentionally made to create public disorder and excite violence along the international border at a time when the SAD-BJP Government has lost its legitimacy to continue in Government in Punjab.
Any attempt to demoralize our forces must be strongly opposed, and in view of such anti-national statements this Government must be immediately dismissed and Presidents rule under Article 356 of the Constitution must be imposed. Furthermore Sukhbir Singh Badal must be charged under Section 124 A of the IPC for making seditious statements with an intention to create public disturbance along our international border.
Bajwa said that both these alliance partners are strange bed fellows, who are fighting with each other, while choosing to remain together for sole intention of looting the people of Punjab. Both parties are two sides of the same coin and they are cursing each other by the day and sleep together in the same quilt at night. This confrontation between the alliance partners leaves no doubt that they have completely lost moral ground to be in the Government and Badal should seek a fresh mandate.
He also said that the SAD-BJP Government has lost all credibility amongst people of Punjab which as per the recent statement of Sukhbir Singh Badal that people are believing a criminal (Jagdish Singh Bhola) more than his own Government.