Chandigarh, June 27: Acting on the directions of Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh, the Revenue Department on Tuesday suspended the controversial Tehsildar of Khamano, Harphool Singh, in the light of his purported video in which he had claimed to be party to corruption.
The Department has also ordered a vigilance inquiry against Harphool Singh, according to an official spokesperson.
The video, which had gone viral recently on the social media, reportedly showed the Tehsildar openly declaring himself to be part of a corrupt system and claiming to have paid money to a legislator for securing a plum posting for a newly recruited PCS officer. The said officer is currently posted as Naib Tehsildar.
The Revenue Department initiated action against Harphool Singh after the Chief Minister spoke to Revenue Minister Sukhbinder Singh Sarkaria. The Chief Minister made it clear that he would not tolerate corruption under any circumstances and asked for a thorough vigilance probe into the matter. He has also sought the report of the probe at the earliest.