Chandigarh, Congress demands a public apology from the junior Badal for making bogus claims of surplus power, while Punjab sizzles in scorching heat with massive power cuts in industrial, agricultural as well as domestic sectors Says Khaira
Today in a press statement release Mr. Sukhpal Singh Khaira Ex-Spokeperson/Ex-Mla Of Congress Party Said It is a matter of great shame and humiliation for the junior Badal that Punjab is extremely power deficient, even after seven years of his oft repeated bogus claims of making the state power surplus. As we are aware, the junior Badal had made the promise of surplus power a main highlight point of the SAD manifesto in 2007. Seven years later in 2014, the power situation is not only grim, critical but adequate power remains a distant dream.he added
As measured by the metrological department, Punjab has witnessed 61 percent deficiency of rainfall in the current year. As a result there is not only scorching heat but the farmers have had to pump an additional cost of more than Rs. 5,000 per acre on diesel, to sustain their paddy crop. To further add to the woes of the aggrieved farmers, the Modi govt. has announced a meager relief of Rs. 420 per acre to Punjab, as a drought affected state. The MSP of paddy too has been increased marginally by Rs. 50 per quintal, all these cruel jokes by the NDA govt. are nothing but like rubbing salt on the wounds of the farmers. It is surprising to note, that Mr. Badal and his party SAD have not uttered a word against the paltry drought compensation or the inadequate increase in the MSP of paddy by the Modi govt. he said
Similarly, there are as huge as 24 hours power cuts for the industrial sector and so is the case of domestic consumers.
It appears the experiment of the junior Badal to let the state be entirely dependent on thermal plants, too has failed miserably. It has been reported, that there are only two days of coal stocks left in the thermal plants of Ropar, Lehra Mohabat and Bathinda. The much hyped new thermal plants of the junior Badal are also in jeopardy and are not likely to generate power in the near future. he said
Therefore, keeping in view the stark ground reality of extreme shortage of power in Punjab, Congress dares the junior Badal to explain to the people about his bogus, lofty and “Sheikh Chilli” type claims of making power surplus, despite passage of seven years. If the junior Badal has an iota of morality left in him, he is advised to come forward accept his utter failure to make Punjab power surplus and offer an unconditional apology to the people, for playing cruel jokes with them for the last seven years.he added