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Exercise may helps treat addiction

Health May 30, 2018 at 5:45 pm 0 comments

Washington, Aerobic exercise can help treat drug or alcohol addiction by altering the brain’s reward system, a study has found. Also known as “cardio,” aerobic exercise is brisk exercise that increases heart rate, breathing and circulation of oxygen through the blood, and is associated with decreasing many negative health issues, includingRead More

Faulty gene can accelerate heart failure due to drinking

Faulty gene can accelerate heart failure due to drinking

Health May 28, 2018 at 7:18 am 0 comments

London, May 28 Scientists have identified a gene mutation that can interact with alcohol to accelerate heart failure in some patients. The researchers from Imperial College London, Royal Brompton Hospital, and MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences in the UK investigated faulty versions of a gene called titin which areRead More

Food to avoid during summer

Health May 28, 2018 at 7:17 am 0 comments

New Delhi During the season of heat waves, it’s best to avoid certain edibles that can not only upset your stomach but also cause some or the other infection. Try not to consume a lot of spicy food, avoid overdose of non-vegetarian food, suggest experts. Raheela Hasan, health and nutritionRead More

New blood test to detect liver damage in minutes

New blood test to detect liver damage in minutes

Health May 26, 2018 at 9:33 am 0 comments

London: Scientists have developed a quick and robust blood test that can detect liver damage before the symptoms appear. The test developed by researchers from the University College London in the UK could address a huge need for early detection of liver disease. It distinguishes between samples taken from healthyRead More

Three cups of coffee, tea daily may cut stroke risk: Study

Health May 26, 2018 at 9:32 am 0 comments

Sydney: Are you an ardent coffee or tea lover, but advised to avoid caffeinated beverages due to your heart conditions? Cheer up, drinking up to three cups of coffee or tea a day is safe as well as reduce irregular heartbeat and stroke risk, a study says. A single cupRead More

Parental diet, obesity before conception affects child’s health

Parental diet, obesity before conception affects child’s health

Health May 24, 2018 at 5:24 pm 0 comments

London: Besides smoking and drinking alcohol, parents’ health including obesity and poor diet can have “profound implications” for the growth, development and long-term health of their children before their conception, says a series of studies published in the journal Lancet. The findings showed that smoking, high alcohol and caffeine intake,Read More

Tough times made our brains grow large

Tough times made our brains grow large

Health May 24, 2018 at 5:21 pm 0 comments

London Tough conditions are responsible for making the human brain unusually large, says a study which contradicts the notion that we evolved bigger brains to cope with complex social relationships. The study, published in the journal Nature, sheds light on a mystery long cast over the story of human evolution.Read More

Married couples share the risk of diabetes

Married couples share the risk of diabetes

Health May 23, 2018 at 4:55 pm 0 comments

London, May 23 Your partner’s body mass index (BMI) can predict your risk of developing diabetes, according to which a study has found that men are particularly more prone to developing the metabolic disease if their wife is obese. Researchers from University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University in Denmark examinedRead More

Lower back pain? Go for early physical therapy

Health May 23, 2018 at 4:54 pm 0 comments

Washington DC, May 23 Early physical therapy can be beneficial for those experiencing lower-back pain, a study suggests. The study found that those who saw a physical therapist at the first point of care had an 89 percent lower probability of receiving an opioid prescription, a 28 percent lower probabilityRead More

Can Vitamin C cut harm of maternal smoking on babies’ lungs?

Can Vitamin C cut harm of maternal smoking on babies’ lungs?

Health May 22, 2018 at 5:40 pm 0 comments

New York While its best to quit smoking during pregnancy, for women who cannot, taking vitamin C supplements can reduce their babies’ risk of developing a wheeze, finds a study. Wheeze is a condition of producing whistle like sound due to obstructed lower respiratory tract. The results showed statistically significantRead More