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Essay cheating rising globally, study suggests

Health September 3, 2018 at 1:25 pm 0 comments

Washington: Cheating in exams and submissions always seems like an easier option. This has become much more convenient with technological development where students now can even hire people to write their papers for them. According to a latest study, the use of contract cheating, where students pay someone else toRead More

FDA warns against consuming food prepared with liquid nitrogen

FDA warns against consuming food prepared with liquid nitrogen

Health September 1, 2018 at 5:47 pm 0 comments

Washington DC: The US Food and Drug Administration, on Thursday, issued a safety alert warning the consumers against eating food prepared with liquid nitrogen. According to FDA, consuming food such as ice cream, cereal or cocktails, prepared by adding liquid nitrogen at the point of sale, can cause serious injuryRead More

Woman reveals what it’s like to die after she flat-lined following brain surgery

Health September 1, 2018 at 5:46 pm 0 comments

In a shocking revelation, a woman has revealed what it felt like to die after she flat-lined during a brain surgery. According to a story published in MailOnline, the woman, Michelle Elman, 25,   was born hydrocephalus, an excess of cerebrospinal fluid, and doctors later discovered that she had aRead More

Here’s how six cups of coffee a day can help you to live longer

Here’s how six cups of coffee a day can help you to live longer

Health August 31, 2018 at 7:47 pm 0 comments

While coffee’s ability to make one sleep if they drink it later in the day ,ay be debatable, a new study suggests that it actually helps us live longer, by protecting against age-related conditions such as dementia, cancer and heart disease. According to the study, coffee and its main ingredients,Read More

Boys born with undescended testicles are more likely to develop cancer as adults

Health August 31, 2018 at 7:45 pm 0 comments

A new study now suggests that baby boys born with undescended testicles are more likely to suffer from cancer and infertility as adults. The study found that boys who are born with their testicles in their abdomens rather than their scrotums are 2.4 times more like to suffer from testicularRead More

Typing speed could reveal early sign of Parkinson’s disease

Health August 31, 2018 at 7:43 pm 0 comments

New research has found a person’s typing speed can reveal early signs of Parkinson’s disease, the Daily Mail reported. How long it takes for a person to press different keys on a keyboard can be a telltale indication if they are suffering from hand tremors, a symptom of the condition.Read More

Hot temperatures lead to lesser productivity at work, says study

Hot temperatures lead to lesser productivity at work, says study

Health August 30, 2018 at 5:37 pm 0 comments

New Delhi: The productivity of people drops by 4 per cent per degree when temperatures rise above 27 degrees Celsius in workplaces requiring manual labour, says a study which drew its data from the Indian manufacturing sector. A one-degree increase in the ten-day temperature average raises the probability that aRead More

Shampoo is the worst thing for your locks, says hair expert

Health August 30, 2018 at 5:36 pm 0 comments

While we may all feel refreshed after freshly washing our hair, but a hair expert has claimed that shampooing our mane is, in fact, the worst thing we can do for our hair. In a story published in The Sun, Eli Halliwell, CEO of Hairstory, has warned that we couldRead More

Men who don’t eat enough protein have poorer sperm, likely to have obese children

Health August 30, 2018 at 5:35 pm 0 comments

A new research now suggests that men who don’t eat enough protein have poor sperm and are more likely to have children who will face a lifetime of obesity. According to a story published in MailOnline, mice fed diets containing half the recommended amount of protein had lower quality spermRead More

Single woman, who longed to become mum, had baby girl with gay best friend

Single woman, who longed to become mum, had baby girl with gay best friend

Health August 29, 2018 at 2:13 am 0 comments

A single mum has revealed how she gave birth to a baby girl fathered by her gay best friend after making a pact to become parents on a drunken night out. The woman, Kerry Allen, 29, and Ali Thomson, 27, from Northumberland, gave birth to Lanah in May, after carryingRead More