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Hug really does make one feel better after an argument

Health October 4, 2018 at 4:39 pm 0 comments

According to a new study, a hug really does make you feel better after an argument. The study also found that holding hands too improves a persons’s mood after a conflict, and the effect lasts into the next day. The research, carried out at Carnegie Mellon University, studied 400 peopleRead More

Exercise can help cut depression, schizophrenia symptoms

Exercise can help cut depression, schizophrenia symptoms

Health October 2, 2018 at 6:07 pm 0 comments

London: Exercising two or three times a week can reduce symptoms of depression and schizophrenia, according to experts who suggest that a structured physical activity regime can complement standard medication and psychotherapy to better treat mental health conditions. Based on compelling evidence from a meta-review of existing research, the EuropeanRead More

Half of all women face risk of developing stroke or dementia

Health October 2, 2018 at 6:06 pm 0 comments

Nearly half of women and one in three men are at risk of developing stroke or degenerative neurological diseases such as dementia and Parkinson’s during their lifetime, according to a study published Monday. Dutch researchers considered all three conditions “in order to grasp how big the problem of incurable brainRead More

Medical experts warn against neck cracking by chiropractor as it may harm sight

Health October 2, 2018 at 6:06 pm 0 comments

Certain practices may help people gain relief from pain and fatigue but they can also have severe side effects. Although neck cracking carried out by chiropractors does ease problems such as headaches, it isn’t entirely safe. The practice of neck cracking has been linked to strokes in the past andRead More

Sedentary lifestyle, obesity, stress, lack of sleep factors for diabetes: Experts

Sedentary lifestyle, obesity, stress, lack of sleep factors for diabetes: Experts

Health October 1, 2018 at 5:57 pm 0 comments

Noida: Sedentary lifestyle, obesity, stress, dietary habits and lack of sleep are among the key factors contributing to the prevalence of diabetes, health experts said. The remarks were made during the 17th conference of Uttar Pradesh Diabetes Association (UPDACON), 2018, held in Noida on Saturday and Sunday and attended byRead More

Orgasms caused by vibrators are 17 per cent longer as compared to manual masturbation

Health October 1, 2018 at 5:56 pm 0 comments

A large number of people indulge in masturbation regularly for sexually pleasuring themselves. A number of toys are available for both men and women with vibrators being particularly popular among women. But the findings of a new study took even the doctor by surprise as they showed that how differentRead More

Woman lauded for talking to elderly man who had his first conversation in months

Health October 1, 2018 at 5:56 pm 0 comments

Loneliness is among major factors affecting mental health of people across age groups in different parts of the world. Having someone to talk to can make a lot of difference to those who may be feeling isolated. When Abigail Davis found an elderly man sitting alone at a café inRead More

Depression can trigger cardiovascular disease

Depression can trigger cardiovascular disease

Health September 30, 2018 at 1:31 pm 0 comments

New Delhi: It is a known fact that depression is on the rise, especially amongst the middle age group. Currently, it is one of the leading causes of health perils across the world. For quite some time now, a link between depression and heart disease has been observed. Like heartRead More

Plant found in Amazon can help treat liver cancer

Health September 30, 2018 at 1:30 pm 0 comments

While many serious ailments can be cured by surgery and complex medical procedures, some natural remedies have been claimed to be effective against them. In the past few years some people have claimed how cannabis can cure major health conditions including cancer. Now scientists are saying that a plant foundRead More

High carbohydrate intake increases mortality rate: Study

Health September 30, 2018 at 1:30 pm 0 comments

Kolkata: People with a high carbohydratediet run the risk of dying younger compared to those consuming more fat, according to a recent study conducted by the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE). The study also dismissed the age-old convention that low consumption of dietary fat helps keep blood cholesterol levels inRead More