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Breathe slowly to smell food better, shows 3D model

Breathe slowly to smell food better, shows 3D model

Health November 15, 2015 at 2:17 pm 0 comments

New York: Do you wonder how your body directs the smell of food into the nasal cavity and not in the other direction – into the lungs? The answer lies in a 3D-printed model of the human airway from nostril to trachea. The model developed by a team of engineersRead More

Are you a diabetic? Try these 5 power foods

Are you a diabetic? Try these 5 power foods

Health November 13, 2015 at 7:53 pm 0 comments

New Delhi: Studies have revealed that diabetes is growing at an alarming rate in India, mostly resulting from unhealthy eating habits, stress and lack of physical activity. In case you are a diabetic, stick to these 5 power foods to help you fight against it. Citrus Fruits: Studies show thatRead More

Vanilla yoghurt makes us feel good

Vanilla yoghurt makes us feel good

Health November 11, 2015 at 4:49 pm 0 comments

London: Eating vanilla yoghurts with lower fat content gives people a stronger positive emotional response, says a new study. “We were surprised to find that by measuring emotions, we could get information about products independent from whether people like them,” said lead author Jozina Mojet from Food & Biobased Research,Read More

Dazzle Diwali with these instant food hacks

Dazzle Diwali with these instant food hacks

Health November 10, 2015 at 7:12 pm 0 comments

New Delhi: Make sure you’re serving the right food delights for your Diwali party! Try combining something sweet and salty, or keep mostly finger foods, says an expert. Here are some instant food hacks by Chef Tushar from McCain Foods Kitchen: * Show of cards: While you are looking forwardRead More

‘Toxic’ vegetable oils ‘not’ better than butter

‘Toxic’ vegetable oils ‘not’ better than butter

Health November 9, 2015 at 9:54 pm 0 comments

London, November 9: Just when you thought cooking with vegetable oils is a “healthy” alternative to lard and butter, a team of scientists revealed that vegetable oils contain ‘toxic’ chemical linked to cancer and brain degeneration. Cooking with vegetable oil releases toxic chemicals linked to cancer and even the degenerationRead More

Know what effortlessly slim people eat

Know what effortlessly slim people eat

Health November 8, 2015 at 7:28 pm 0 comments

New York: People who are effortlessly slim eat fruit, dairy, cereal and granola for breakfast, reveals a new study. Researchers from the Cornell University wanted to find out what people who are naturally thin, and have never struggled with weight problems eat. The study found that more than a thirdRead More

It’s you, not junk food

It’s you, not junk food

Health November 7, 2015 at 5:46 pm 0 comments

Washington DC: Candy, soda and fast food, which are often painted as the prime culprits in the national discussion of obesity, are not making Americans fat, according to a new study. The Cornell University Food and Brand Lab study finds that intake of these foods is not related to BodyRead More

Scientists redefine how human blood is made

Scientists redefine how human blood is made

Health November 6, 2015 at 8:51 pm 0 comments

Toronto: Turning conventional wisdom on its head, a team of Canadian scientists has discovered a completely new view of how human blood is made. According to them, the whole classic “textbook” view we thought we knew about blood formation doesn’t actually even exist. “Through a series of experiments, we haveRead More

‘Chemsex’ putting people at risk of HIV, STIs

‘Chemsex’ putting people at risk of HIV, STIs

Health November 4, 2015 at 8:18 pm 0 comments

London: Experts have raised concerns over the rising incidence of ‘chemsex’ – sex under the influence of illegal drugs and often with multiple partners – as it may put users at risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. The practice is exclusively seen among gay men using a combinationRead More

Just one junk food snack may trigger metabolic disease

Just one junk food snack may trigger metabolic disease

Health November 3, 2015 at 6:56 pm 0 comments

London: Overindulgence at the dinner table or at snack time may be enough to trigger signs of metabolic disease, a new study has warned. In the study, just one high-calorie shake was enough to make people with metabolic disease worse, while in others, relatively short periods of overeating triggered theRead More