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Kids with food allergies at risk of asthma, rhinitis: study

Kids with food allergies at risk of asthma, rhinitis: study

Health August 27, 2016 at 7:04 pm 0 comments

Washington: Children with a history of food allergy have a high risk of developing asthma and allergic rhinitis, a new US study has warned. The risk increases with the number of food allergies a child might have, said researchers from The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). “Eczema, asthma and allergicRead More

Knowing too much about something might give you false memories: study

Knowing too much about something might give you false memories: study

Health August 26, 2016 at 6:05 pm 0 comments

‘Knowing a lot about something doubles the risk of false memories, scientists in Ireland said on Thursday, giving insight into why experts sometimes make errors on their own specialised subjects. People more knowledgeable about a subject were twice as likely to remember incidents relating to that topic that never happened.Read More

Here’s why lemon is an ideal for getting glowing skin

Here’s why lemon is an ideal for getting glowing skin

Health August 25, 2016 at 7:35 pm 0 comments

New Delhi: Did you ever think, a small lemon can be of multi-use, other than adding tang to a flavour? Beauty expert Shehnaz Hussain has come up with some points to draw attention to its benefits in terms of health and beauty. The lemon increases the body’s resistance to disease.Read More

Active involvement of parents can keep kids healthier

Active involvement of parents can keep kids healthier

Health August 25, 2016 at 7:27 pm 0 comments

Washington D.C.: A recent research has found that parents who are directly and actively engaged with their children ensure healthy living and are significantly more likely to see their kids match up to Canadian guidelines when it comes to physical activity, healthy eating and screen time. Heather Manson, chief ofRead More

Added sugar may increase heart disease risk in kids: study

Added sugar may increase heart disease risk in kids: study

Health August 23, 2016 at 6:26 pm 0 comments

Washington: Parents, take note! Children who eat food high in added sugars may develop risk factors for heart disease, such as an increased risk of obesity and elevated blood pressure, a new study has warned. Children ages 2 to 18 should eat or drink less than six teaspoons – equivalentRead More

Drink together for a happy marriage

Drink together for a happy marriage

Health August 23, 2016 at 6:25 pm 0 comments

Couples who drink together, stay together, goes the new-school adage. Now a study has shown that older couples with similar drinking habits are in happier relationships compared to relationships where just one of the partners drink. The University of Michigan, based on data samples of couples over the age ofRead More

Eat oranges to ward off heart disease, diabetes risk

Eat oranges to ward off heart disease, diabetes risk

Health August 22, 2016 at 4:38 pm 0 comments

New York Higher intake of citrus fruits like oranges and lemons can help keep you healthy as well as prevent harmful effects of obesity-related heart disease, liver disease and diabetes, a study has found. Citrus fruits contain large amounts of antioxidants, a class of which are called flavanones. When humansRead More

Cloth masks offer poor protection against air pollution

Cloth masks offer poor protection against air pollution

Health August 22, 2016 at 4:37 pm 0 comments

Boston Inexpensive cloth masks commonly used by people in India and China to reduce exposure to air pollution may not be effective and could be giving users a false sense of security, scientists have warned. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst believe this is the first study to rigorouslyRead More

More women prone to heart disease due to smoking: study

More women prone to heart disease due to smoking: study

Health August 20, 2016 at 6:34 pm 0 comments

New Delhi: More women are being diagnosed today with heart disease and associated ailments due to an “upward trend” in smoking, dangerous weight-loss practices and unhealthy diet, a medical study claims. Data released by city-based National Heart Institute (NHI) says the number of women patients “admitted to the institute hasRead More

Half of parents in UK allow kids under 14 booze at home

Half of parents in UK allow kids under 14 booze at home

Health August 19, 2016 at 3:49 pm 0 comments

London, August 19 Half of the parents in the United Kingdom with children aged under 14, allow them to drink alcohol at home, against guidance from the Chief Medical Officer, new research has revealed. This inference is drawn after a survey of more than 1,000 parents done by Churchill HomeRead More