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Salt can help fight superbug infections

Salt can help fight superbug infections

Health October 12, 2016 at 2:08 pm 0 comments

Chennai: Ever imagined that a simple ingredient like salt could be used to prevent the spread of infections? In a recent discovery in Edmonton, Doug Olson, a commoner, invented something in his garage that has the potential to save lives from superbugs with the use of salt, a simple ingredientRead More

Women with perceived obesity are less satisfied with their body: study

Health October 12, 2016 at 2:07 pm 0 comments

Washington: In a first of its kind study, scientists examined healthy individuals and their brain activity about the perception of their respective bodies and found that the way they perceive their bodies directly trigger neural responses which can lead to body dissatisfaction. To create a sense of illusory body ownership,Read More

Warm childhood environment can lead to better relationship quality years later

Warm childhood environment can lead to better relationship quality years later

Health October 11, 2016 at 7:23 pm 0 comments

Washington D.C.: Growing up in a warm family environment in childhood is associated with feeling more secure in romantic relationships in the age of 80s, suggests a recent research carried out at Harvard Medical School. The findings show that men who grew up in caring homes were more adept atRead More

WHO urges price hikes on sugary drinks in obesity fight

Health October 11, 2016 at 7:23 pm 0 comments

Geneva: The UN health agency on Tuesday urged countries to start taxing sugary beverages as they fight against an obesity epidemic, pointing to evidence that price hikes can dramatically reduce consumption. The World Health Organization’s recommendations on sweetened beverages came as the world seeks to bring down whopping obesity rates,Read More

Little evidence that antibiotics help open surgical wounds heal

Little evidence that antibiotics help open surgical wounds heal

Health October 8, 2016 at 6:03 pm 0 comments

There are no high-quality trials assessing whether using antibiotics or antiseptics on open surgical wounds speeds healing by slowing the growth of dangerous microorganisms, according to a new Cochrane review. While most surgical incisions are closed with stitches or staples, some cannot be closed if skin edges do not alignRead More

Breast milk protein safely decreases infections in preemies

Health October 8, 2016 at 6:02 pm 0 comments

Washington D.C.: To reduce hospital-acquired infections in neonatal intensive care units, researchers have found a protein in breast milk to be a safe and efficient solution. Lead author of the study Michael Sherman explained, “The majority of diseases affecting newborn preemies are hospital-acquired infections such as meningitis, pneumonia and urinaryRead More

Children get their intelligence from mothers: study

Children get their intelligence from mothers: study

Health October 7, 2016 at 6:48 pm 0 comments

Washington: Mother’s genes may determine how clever the children will be, whereas the father makes no difference to their intelligence levels, a new research suggests. Women are more likely to transmit intelligence genes to their children as they are carried on the X chromosome and women have two of these,Read More

Good heart attack care could add a year to your life: study

Good heart attack care could add a year to your life: study

Health October 6, 2016 at 12:47 pm 0 comments

Going to the right hospital for heart attack care could add a year to your life, a new study suggests. Using Medicare records, researchers found that roughly 17 years after a heart attack, average life expectancy was 9 to 14 months longer for patients who had been treated at hospitalsRead More

Botox can help women control bladder incontinence: study

Health October 6, 2016 at 12:46 pm 0 comments

Washington: A recent research has found that Botox (a bladder injection of botulinum toxin) could help in controlling bladder incontinence, after the first and second-line therapies proved inadequate. A head-to-head comparison of sacral neuromodulation that (an implanted device sold as InterStim), or and botulinum toxin shows that Botox provides moreRead More

Your health is quite a lot dependent on your workplace

Your health is quite a lot dependent on your workplace

Health October 4, 2016 at 6:57 pm 0 comments

Washington D.C.: We spend almost one third of the day in our respective workplaces, so the people or the organization is very much associated with better health and lower burnout. In a new meta-analysis covering 58 studies and more than 19,000 people across the globe, it is said that thoughRead More