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Failed fertility treatments may up heart disease risk

Health March 16, 2017 at 6:45 pm 0 comments

Toronto Women who undergo fertility therapy, but do not get pregnant, have a higher risk of developing long-term cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart failure, a new study has warned. The study looked at data on 28,442 women under age 50 who underwent fertility therapy in Ontario, Canada duringRead More

Personalised microbe-containing lotion may keep skin infections at bay

Personalised microbe-containing lotion may keep skin infections at bay

Health March 15, 2017 at 9:09 pm 0 comments

New Delhi: Researchers have found a new way that may help fight skin infections such as eczema – by putting the body’s own good bacteria into a lotion and then spread that lotion onto the skin to keep harmful microbes at bay. For the study, researchers from University of California,Read More

Travel more often to avoid job burnout

Health March 15, 2017 at 9:09 pm 0 comments

New Delhi: “What is this life if, full of care.We have no time to stand and stare.” So,, one of the leading travel sites in the Asia Pacific and Middle East, reveals how it’s possible to travel more often throughout your working year, by saving your money, sans jobRead More

Our brain is ready for action even at rest: study

Our brain is ready for action even at rest: study

Health March 13, 2017 at 7:36 pm 0 comments

Washington: Our brain networks at rest are in readiness for action to execute even the simplest of behaviours, researchers including one of Indian origin have found. Researchers from Wayne State University and Florida Atlantic University in the US used a simple experimental task, having each participant perform a simple motorRead More

Doctors say zika virus may cause heart problems in some adults

Doctors say zika virus may cause heart problems in some adults

Health March 10, 2017 at 6:50 pm 0 comments

Washington: For the first time, doctors have tied infection with the Zika virus to possible new heart problems in adults. The evidence so far is only in eight people in Venezuela, and is not enough to prove a link. It’s also too soon to know how often this might beRead More

Beware! Coloring your hair can up chances of breast cancer

Health March 10, 2017 at 6:49 pm 0 comments

Washington DC Women beware before dying your hair or using hormonal contraceptives, as they may increase your chances of breast cancer. Researcher Sanna Heikkinen from the University of Helsinki in Finland and Finnish Cancer Registry evaluated the contribution of the use of hormonal contraceptives and hair dyes on breast cancerRead More

Probiotic yogurt may reverse depression symptoms

Probiotic yogurt may reverse depression symptoms

Health March 9, 2017 at 6:03 pm 0 comments

Washington, March 9 Eating yogurt – which contains probiotic bacteria – may help reverse symptoms of depression, according to a new study which shows that gut microbes can affect mental health. Researchers from the University of Virginia in the US, reversed depression symptoms in mice by feeding them a probioticRead More

Why short, fair men go bald prematurely

Health March 9, 2017 at 6:03 pm 0 comments

London Men who are short in height and have light skin colour are more at risk of premature hair loss, researchers have found in a new genetic data of 20,000 men. The findings suggested that premature hair loss is linked to a range of various physical characteristics and illnesses suchRead More

Stress levels highest a week before exam

Stress levels highest a week before exam

Health March 8, 2017 at 6:36 pm 0 comments

New Delhi With the board exams beginning this week, the stress level in students is at its peak, a new study has revealed. “A month before the examination only 13 per cent of students felt high stress level, which increased to an alarming 82.2 per cent with the exams justRead More

Diabetes increases risk of cancer deaths in Asians

Health March 8, 2017 at 6:35 pm 0 comments

New York Asians who have type 2 diabetes may be at 26 per cent increased risk of death from cancers, warns a new study that included data from India, Bangladesh and 19 other countries. Earlier studies had suggested that at any given body mass index (BMI), Asians are more susceptibleRead More