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Surge in coal pollution led to smaller newborns: study

Surge in coal pollution led to smaller newborns: study

Health April 4, 2017 at 5:31 pm 0 comments

Paris: In fresh evidence about the dangers of coal pollution, a scientist today said a switch to coal-fired power in a southern US state after a nuclear accident in 1979 led to a sharp fall in birthweight, a benchmark of health. The study looked at the aftermath of the ThreeRead More

About 91% Indian youth don’t consider forgetfulness as a disease

Health April 4, 2017 at 5:30 pm 0 comments

New Delhi: As per a recent survey conducted by Fortis Flt. Lt. Rajan Dhall Hospital, Vasant Kunj (FHVK) to calculate the understanding of Alzheimer’s and Dementia, it is found that forgetfulness is not considered as a disease among youth of India. According to World Alzheimer report 2015, The Global Impact,Read More

Deep-breathing can act as prevention against stress: study

Deep-breathing can act as prevention against stress: study

Health April 3, 2017 at 6:44 pm 0 comments

London: Do you get stressed on receiving bad news or nervous before a job interview? Relax! Here is the solution – start doing deep-breathing to instantly help yourself, suggests a study. Scientists from Stanford University’s school of medicine in the U.S. have discovered the specific neurons that connect breathing andRead More

New DNA-based blood tests to detect skin cancers

Health April 3, 2017 at 6:44 pm 0 comments

New York: Scientists have developed two new gene-based blood tests that can quickly and reliably detect previously unidentifiable forms of skin cancer. Researchers at New York University in the US carried out genetic testing of tumour and blood fluid samples from people with and without one of the most aggressiveRead More

Diabetic women who sleep late at night at risk of depression: study

Diabetic women who sleep late at night at risk of depression: study

Health April 2, 2017 at 6:52 pm 0 comments

Washington: Diabetic patients, especially women, who work at night, may have more symptoms of depression than those who sleep and wake-up early, regardless of the quality of their sleep, finds a study. According to researchers, people with Type-2 diabetes, who are “night owls” and prefer the evening for activity report,Read More

Exposure to hard plastics, thermal paper increases risk of breast cancer

Health April 2, 2017 at 6:52 pm 0 comments

Washington: Women beware! Stop using products made of hard plastics, currency bills and thermal paper receipts, as a study says, a chemical found in these products may increase the potential of aggressiveness of breast cancer. According to researchers from Oakland University in the US, Bisphenol S (BPS), a substitute forRead More

Insomnia may increase heart attack, stroke risk: study

Insomnia may increase heart attack, stroke risk: study

Health April 1, 2017 at 6:14 pm 0 comments

Beijing: People suffering from insomnia may have an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, new research has warned. “Sleep is important for biological recovery and takes around a third of our lifetime, but in modern society more and more people complain of insomnia,” said Qiao He from China MedicalRead More

Over 300 million people suffer from depression: WHO

Health April 1, 2017 at 6:14 pm 0 comments

Geneva: Over 300 million people are living with depression, the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide, according to the latest estimates from the WHO released ahead of World Health Day. “These new figures are a wake-up call for all countries to re-think their approaches to mental health andRead More

Larger doses of vitamin C may cut common cold duration: study

Larger doses of vitamin C may cut common cold duration: study

Health March 31, 2017 at 6:00 pm 0 comments

London: Large doses of Vitamin C – up to eight grammes per day – can significantly reduce the duration of a spell of common cold, scientists have found. Previous studies on different animal species have found that vitamin C significantly prevents and alleviates infections caused by diverse bacteria, viruses andRead More

Heart flown from Delhi to Chennai in India’s longest distance haul

Health March 31, 2017 at 5:59 pm 0 comments

Chennai: Heart of a deceased civilian of the Indian Airforce in Delhi was flown to Chennai recently, to save life of an old man, who was awaiting a suitable heart for transplantation. It is the longest haul of donated tissue in India, covering a distance of more than 2,000 kilometres,Read More