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Artificial sweeteners may up food intake when dieting: study

Health August 2, 2017 at 8:02 pm 0 comments

Melbourne, August 2 Using artificial sweeteners while dieting may significantly increase the amount of calories consumed, a study warns. Researchers from University of Sydney in Australia offered fruit flies diets with varying amounts of carbohydrate and sweeteners, and tracked resulting food intake. They found that flies that consumed artificial sweetenersRead More

43 pc elderly in India face psychological problems: study

43 pc elderly in India face psychological problems: study

Health July 31, 2017 at 3:47 pm 0 comments

New Delhi, July 31 As many as 43 out of 100 elderly people in India are victims of psychological problems due to loneliness and other relationship issues, a new study has said. Based on the feedback from 50,000 older persons across the country during the months of June and JulyRead More

Watching TV for 3 hours daily may up diabetes risk in kids

Health July 31, 2017 at 3:46 pm 0 comments

LONDON: Parents, take note! Being glued to television or video games for more than three hours a day may put your children at increased risk of developing diabetes, a study warns. Researchers found that both adiposity, which describes total body fat, and insulin resistance, which occurs when cells fail toRead More

8 cups of tea may boost your mental performance

8 cups of tea may boost your mental performance

Health July 30, 2017 at 4:20 pm 0 comments

Washington A study has revealed that four cups of coffee or eight cups of tea, which is equivalent to 400mg of caffeine, has no lasting damage on the body. The study also shows that caffeine boosts both mental and physical performance. According to researchers, caffeine, found in tea, coffee andRead More

Excessive sugar may make men anxious, depressed

Health July 30, 2017 at 4:19 pm 0 comments

London, July 30 Men, take note! Eating too many sweets may make you anxious and depressed, say scientists who found that high intake of sugar can increase the risk of common mental disorders in men. “High sugar diets have a number of influences on our health but our study showsRead More

Researchers discover new way to treat obesity

Health July 30, 2017 at 4:19 pm 0 comments

Washington Researchers have identified two new types of cells in the brain that can potently regulate appetite and offer new drugs to treat obesity. According to Rockefeller University researchers in New York, the two types of cells, located in a part of the brainstem called the dorsal raphe nucleus, areRead More

Pollution responsible for premature, underweight infant birth

Pollution responsible for premature, underweight infant birth

Health July 28, 2017 at 6:47 pm 0 comments

New Delhi According to a recent study, air pollution could be responsible for premature and underweight birth of an infant. The research noted if the pregnant mother was exposed to pollution, it could further lead to high risk for vision and hearing problems, learning problems and even death. Exposure toRead More

Want to keep diabetes at bay? Drink alcohol

Health July 28, 2017 at 6:46 pm 0 comments

Washington Who knew alcohol consumption could also have a positive impact on our health! It’s not every day that medical studies say alcohol could be good for you but according to a recent study, drinking alcohol can significantly protect against diabetes. Frequent alcohol consumption is associated with a reduced riskRead More

Talking to yourself may help combat stress

Health July 28, 2017 at 6:46 pm 0 comments

Washington, Talking to yourself in the third person during stressful events may help control emotions without any added mental effort, a study has found. “Essentially, we think referring to yourself in the third person leads people to think about themselves more similar to how they think about others, and you canRead More

New DNA sunscreen gets better the longer you wear it!

New DNA sunscreen gets better the longer you wear it!

Health July 26, 2017 at 11:15 am 0 comments

New York Scientists have developed a sunscreen made out of DNA that gets better at protecting skin from ultraviolet light the more you expose it to the sun, and also keeps your skin hydrated. “Ultraviolet (UV) light can actually damage DNA, and that is not good for the skin,” saidRead More