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Fast paper-based tuberculosis test developed

Health September 14, 2017 at 4:46 pm 0 comments

Beijing Scientists have developed a fast, paper-based test to diagnose tuberculosis that can be read with a smartphone, a technology that is increasingly available in emerging economies. Diagnosing tuberculosis (TB) early can allow patients to receive the medicine they need and also help prevent the disease from spreading. However, inRead More

Getting inked may harm your immune sytem

Getting inked may harm your immune sytem

Health September 12, 2017 at 6:43 pm 0 comments

Berlin, September 12 Getting a permanent tattoo can cause chronic enlargement of the lymph nodes — an important part of our immune system — a study has warned. Toxic impurities that make up the ink in tattoos can travel inside the body in the form of nano-particles and affect theRead More

Now, compose music with your power of thought

Health September 12, 2017 at 6:42 pm 0 comments

London Scientists have developed a new brain-computer interface application, which allows music to be composed by the power of thought.Brain-computer interfaces, known as BCI, can replace bodily functions to a certain degree, researchers said. Physically impaired persons can control special prostheses through the power of their minds, surf in internetRead More

Natural selection weeding out Alzheimer’s, asthma

Natural selection weeding out Alzheimer’s, asthma

Health September 11, 2017 at 4:51 pm 0 comments

New York, September 11 Natural selection is causing gene mutations linked to conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, asthma and heart disease to be weeded out, a study suggests. Researchers at Columbia University in the US found that sets of genetic mutations that predispose people to heart disease, high cholesterol and asthma,Read More

No clean drinking water in schools promoting sugary drinks

Health September 11, 2017 at 4:51 pm 0 comments

Toronto, September 11 Lack of proper drinking water but considerable exposure of beverage industry-sponsored food and drink kiosks and advertisements are forcing adolescent students to purchase sugar-sweetened beverages, consuming which may raise the risk of developing obesity and diabetes. The presence of the sugar-sweetened beverage industry in schools suggests thatRead More

Cow’s milk harmful for toddlers below one year

Cow’s milk harmful for toddlers below one year

Health September 10, 2017 at 6:07 pm 0 comments

New Delhi, September 10 Feeding cow’s milk to toddlers below the age of one year is a growing factor behind allergic diseases, including in the respiratory and digestive system, as they cannot tolerate protein in the milk, experts said on Sunday. Stating that infants who do not get breast milkRead More

Cancer patients more anxious about effects on partner, family

Health September 10, 2017 at 6:06 pm 0 comments

LondonLondonCancer patients are more worried about how their illness may affect their partner or family than the physical side effects of chemotherapy, scientists say.Researchers at Huyssens-Stiftung in Germany have found that socio-psychological factors have become more significant for patients suffering from cancer.They found that side effects like nausea and vomitingRead More

Folic acid may reduce autism risk from pesticides

Folic acid may reduce autism risk from pesticides

Health September 9, 2017 at 6:41 pm 0 comments

Los Angeles, September 9 Mothers who take recommended amounts of folic acid around the time of conception may reduce their child’s risk of pesticide-related autism, a study suggests. Researchers at University of California, Davis in the US found that children whose mothers took 800 or more microgrammes of folic acidRead More

Living near parks may benefit kids with asthma

Health September 9, 2017 at 6:40 pm 0 comments

New York, September 9 Children with asthma may suffer less if they live closer to parks and green spaces, a study suggests. Researchers, including those from Johns Hopkins University in the US, noted that children had one extra day when they suffered with asthma symptoms for every 305 metres betweenRead More

Just 25 minutes yoga, meditation daily can boost well-being

Just 25 minutes yoga, meditation daily can boost well-being

Health September 8, 2017 at 5:17 am 0 comments

Toronto, September 8 Practicing just 25 minutes Hatha yoga and mindfulness meditation everyday can significantly improved brain function and energy levels, a study has found. Hatha yoga is one of the most common styles of yoga practiced in Western countries. It involves physical postures and breathing exercises combined with meditation.Read More