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Communication may help patients overcome misperceptions of prognosis

Communication may help patients overcome misperceptions of prognosis

Health October 24, 2017 at 5:12 pm 0 comments

Washington, October 24 A team of researchers has suggested that open channels of communication may help patients with serious medical problems to overcome the misperceptions of prognosis. In long-term acute care (LTAC) patients with serious medical problems require intense, special treatment for an extended period of time — usually 20Read More

High Vitamin D levels in childhood may cut diabetes risk

High Vitamin D levels in childhood may cut diabetes risk

Health October 24, 2017 at 5:11 pm 0 comments

New York, October 24 Children who receive higher levels of Vitamin D during infancy and childhood may be significantly at a lower risk of developing islet autoimmunity as well as Type 1 diabetes, according to a study. Type 1 diabetes is a chronic autoimmune disease that is increasing by 3-5Read More

Why depression raises risk of early death in women

Why depression raises risk of early death in women

Health October 23, 2017 at 9:56 am 0 comments

Toronto, October 23 Due to the pressure caused by changing societal roles and multiple responsibilities, depression has significantly increased the risk of early death in women, a study has found. The findings showed that the risk of death associated with depression appeared strongest in the years following a depressive episode.Read More

Walking below minimum recommended levels may lower death risk

Health October 23, 2017 at 9:55 am 0 comments

Washington, October 23 Walking regularly can significantly lower death risk, even if one does not meet the minimum recommended levels of physical activity, a study led by an Indian-origin scientist has found. Walking is the most common type of physical activity, and has been associated with lower risk of heartRead More

Vaping may trigger deadly lung disease like smoking: Study

Health October 23, 2017 at 9:55 am 0 comments

Washington DC, October 23 Beware, vaping can be as bad as cigarettes, as it can cause the similar deadly lung diseases, warns a study. According to researchers, e-cigarettes appear to trigger unique immune responses which cigarettes also trigger, according to a new research. Senior study author Mehmet Kesimer from theRead More

Delayed word processing may predict Alzheimer’s risk

Delayed word processing may predict Alzheimer’s risk

Health October 21, 2017 at 3:47 am 0 comments

London: People with mild memory problems who show a delayed brain response to processing the written word may be at an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, a study has found. Using an electroencephalogram (EEG) – a test that detects electrical activity in a person’s brain via electrodes attached to theirRead More

Have mushroom-rich breakfast to maintain healthy weight

Health October 21, 2017 at 3:46 am 0 comments

New York: Eating a mushroom-rich breakfast may result in less hunger and a greater feeling of fullness, thereby helping you avoid consuming extra calories later, new research suggests. The findings, published in the journal Appetite, suggest that meat can be replaced by mushroom in some meals. “As with previous publishedRead More

Coffee can reduce diabetes risk

Health October 21, 2017 at 3:37 am 0 comments

Bengaluru The medicine that can delay your diabetes is right on your coffee table. ‘Cafestol’, a bioactive substance found in coffee, could help delay the onset of Type-2 diabetes, improve cell function and insulin sensitivity in laboratory mice, according to a study carried out by a team of scientists inRead More

Lack of support may increase pregnant woman’s biological age

Lack of support may increase pregnant woman’s biological age

Health October 18, 2017 at 2:49 am 0 comments

New York: Low socioeconomic status during childhood and poor family social support appear to prematurely age pregnant women on a cellular level, potentially raising the risk for complications, a new study has found. For the study, the researchers examined blood from pregnant women to evaluate the length of telomeres —Read More

This is how seizures may lead to memory loss

Health October 18, 2017 at 2:48 am 0 comments

New York: Researchers have discovered a mechanism that can explain how even relatively infrequent seizures can lead to memory loss and other cognitive deficits, The study published in the journal Nature Medicine may lead to future strategies to reduce cognitive deficits in Alzheimer’s disease and other conditions associated with seizures,Read More