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High blood sugar in early pregnancy could cause heart problems for baby

Health December 18, 2017 at 6:53 pm 0 comments

Washington DC: Higher blood sugar in early pregnancy can up the risk of a congenital heart defect in babies, according to a research. The study was led by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine. For many years, physicians have known that women with diabetes face an increased riskRead More

Mediterranean diet may help reduce fat deposits: study

Health December 18, 2017 at 6:53 pm 0 comments

Boston: Moderate exercise combined with a Mediterranean and low carbohydrate diet may help reduce the amount of some fat deposits, according to a long-term study. The study, published in the journal Circulation, used MRI imaging technology for the first time to plot the diverse changes in an array of bodyRead More

Kids who eat healthier food have better self-esteem: Study

Kids who eat healthier food have better self-esteem: Study

Health December 17, 2017 at 2:42 am 0 comments

London, December 17 Children who eat healthy food may have better self-esteem and fewer emotional problems, according to a European study. Researchers found that fish intake (two to three times a week) was associated with better self-esteem and no emotional and peer problems. Intake of whole meal products was associatedRead More

High blood sugar in pregnancy ups heart risk in babies

Health December 17, 2017 at 2:41 am 0 comments

  NEW YORK: Higher blood sugar in early pregnancy raises the baby’s risk of a congenital heart defect, a study claims. “We found that in women who develop diabetes during pregnancy, we can measure risk for having a child with congenital heart disease by looking at their glucose values duringRead More

Blood test may detect multiple sclerosis

Health December 17, 2017 at 2:40 am 0 comments

LONDON: A simple blood test may help detect signs of multiple sclerosis, a disease of the brain and spinal cord, according to a study. The discovery by researchers from the University of Huddersfield in the UK, using advanced mass spectrometry techniques, offers a diagnostic tool that enables the detection ofRead More

‘Less meat, exercise may cause mental distress in young adults’

‘Less meat, exercise may cause mental distress in young adults’

Health December 13, 2017 at 9:02 pm 0 comments

New York Young adults who eat meat less than three times a week and exercise less may be at an increased risk of mental distress, a study claims. However, the mental health of a mature adult (aged over 30 years) seems to be more sensitive to regular consumption of coffeeRead More

Five signs that show you are not getting enough sleep

Health December 13, 2017 at 9:00 pm 0 comments

London [UK]:In our seemingly always-on society, there’s great temptation to shortchange sleep. But sleep is a vital driver of every physiological system in the human body, and when we’re deprived of shuteye, health and wellbeing can suffer in many ways. Sleep is essential for growing muscle, repairing tissue, and synthesisingRead More

50 percent individuals aged 40-54 have clogged arteries: Study

50 percent individuals aged 40-54 have clogged arteries: Study

Health December 12, 2017 at 4:53 pm 0 comments

New Delhi: You may be middle-aged and pride yourself on being perfectly healthy – normal weight, no diabetes, don’t smoke – but you still may have clogged arteries. Urging stronger measures to lower cholesterol, researchers have warned that a high level of so-called “bad cholesterol,” or LDL-C, is the mainRead More

Vigorous exercise could delay Parkinson’s disease

Health December 12, 2017 at 4:53 pm 0 comments

Washington: Three intense workouts a week could slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease, according to a study. A team of researchers at Northwestern Medicine and the University of Colorado School of Medicine have found that vigorous exercise in the early stage of the degenerative disease can decrease worsening of motorRead More

Using nicotine patch during pregnancy safer than smoking, says study

Using nicotine patch during pregnancy safer than smoking, says study

Health December 11, 2017 at 9:18 pm 0 comments

New Delhi: Smoking is a savage addiction and a habit expecting mothers find extremely tough to get rid of. Tobacco use during pregnancy is related to many effects on health and reproduction, in addition to the general health effects of tobacco. Numerous studies have shown that tobacco use is aRead More