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Holding hands can sync brainwaves, ease pain

Health March 3, 2018 at 7:21 pm 0 comments

Washington Reach for the hand of a loved one in pain and not only will your breathing and heart rate synchronise with theirs, your brain wave patterns will couple up too, according to a study. The research also found that the more empathy a comforting partner feels for a partnerRead More

Eating almonds, peanuts may boost colon cancer survival

Eating almonds, peanuts may boost colon cancer survival

Health March 1, 2018 at 6:08 pm 0 comments

New York: People with colon cancer who regularly eat nuts such as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, and peanuts may be at significantly lower risk of cancer recurrence and mortality, researchers say. The findings showed that those who regularly consumed at least two, one-ounce servings of nuts each week showed aRead More

‘Tummy tuck’ reduces back pain after childbearing: Study

Health March 1, 2018 at 6:07 pm 0 comments

New York: Besides restoring the pre-pregnancy shape of the abdomen, abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck” — a surgical operation involving the removal of excess flesh from the abdomen — can improve back pain and urinary incontinence after childbearing, a study says. Many women seek tummy tuck surgery to restore the shapeRead More

Metformin during pregnancy may up childhood obesity risk

Health March 1, 2018 at 6:06 pm 0 comments

London Kids born to pregnant women who consume metformin—a medication used for the treatment of gestational diabetes or a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)—are at higher risk of developing obesity, researchers have claimed. The study found that metformin has the potential to cross the placenta and gets passed downRead More

Antibiotic use in poultry sector rampant: CSE

Antibiotic use in poultry sector rampant: CSE

Health February 28, 2018 at 8:15 am 0 comments

New Delhi, February 28 A green body has slammed an advertisement highlighting that no antibiotics are used in chicken as an “eye wash” and alleged that the use of antibiotics in poultry sector is “rampant”. The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) on Tuesday slammed the All-India Poultry Development andRead More

‘Mini-tumours’ created to battle cancer

Health February 28, 2018 at 8:14 am 0 comments

London Scientists have successfully grown mini versions of patients’ tumours in a lab—and tested them against dozens of drugs to find the best possible treatment. In the study published in the journal Science, researchers treated the lab-grown ‘mini tumours’ with a range of drugs. They then looked to see howRead More

Anxiety may help remember things

Health February 28, 2018 at 8:14 am 0 comments

Toronto Manageable levels of anxiety can actually help you remember more details of an event, a study claims. The study of 80 undergraduate students also found that when anxiety levels got too high or descended into fear, it could lead to the colouring of memories where people begin to associateRead More

DASH diet may reduce depression risk

DASH diet may reduce depression risk

Health February 26, 2018 at 9:04 am 0 comments

NEW YORK: People who eat vegetables, fruits and whole grains to reduce hypertension may also have lower rates of depression over time, a new study suggests. The study found that people whose diets adhered more closely to the “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension” (DASH) diet were less likely to developRead More

Kids unable to hold pencils due to excessive touchscreen use

Kids unable to hold pencils due to excessive touchscreen use

Health February 26, 2018 at 9:03 am 0 comments

London Excessive use of phones and tablets is preventing children’s finger muscles from developing sufficiently, making it increasingly hard for them to hold pens and pencils, UK doctors say. “Children are not coming into school with the hand strength and dexterity they had 10 years ago,” said Sally Payne, theRead More

Ketamine may cut depressive symptoms in two hours New York

Health February 26, 2018 at 9:02 am 0 comments

New York Ketamine, a widely used anesthetic agent, could produce an anti-depressant response in two hours rather than weeks compared to other medications, offering a wholly new approach to treating severe depression, researchers say. Current treatments for major depressive disorder and bipolar depression have major limitations with many patients doRead More